Coolbeans is an esoteric programming language created by User:Tommyaweosme and User:Unname4798
- path | path \ turn / turn + intersection (they keep going the same way) > signal going right < signal going left ^ signal going up v signal going down
Signals can hold values.
When a signal runs into a hashtag sign, it replaces its value with the number until the next hashtag.
v | | # 1 2 # \---$
This collects 12 and outputs it.
$ output % input
To duplicate, make a split in the path
v | | -----
Both signals have the same value.
@ trash
Any signal running into trash gets trashed.
& stringify
Stringifying a pointer means that when it runs into *, it treats it like a hashtag but for strings.
Two spaces in a row means newline, by the way.
Y add
A Y adds values that go on sides of it and releases it on a new track.
L conditional turn
Turns from up to right if the value is 0. Turns right to up if value is non 0 or string. Otherwise, it deletes.
X - multiplies two numbers and deletes if there is a string. R - random turn. T - typeof turn - turns the signal right if it is a number; turns the signal left if it is a string. Y - It now concatenates two strings together. It also concatenates a number and a string. L - It now turns the string right if it is empty. F - Takes the trailing digit. M - Outputs fovever. U - Diode, deletes signals moving rightwards and upwards. D - Diode, deletes signals moving leftwards and downwards.
Hello World
>&#Hello, world!#$
A+B problem
v v %Y% $
Truth Machine
% /--\ L--+-$ /\| #L/ 1 #/\ \$| \/
Multiply by 2
% | /---\ | | \-Y-/ | $
7 bottles of tommyaweosme
Program is too large to view.
XKCD Random Number
Actual random number generator (0-2)
$ $ $ # # # 0 1 2 # # # | | | \-R-/ D ^
tommyaweosme function
v | # 2 # /-M56#$ | | %-----X-F-L | \-#87#$
Computational class
Coolbeans is not aweosme-complete.
That's because it doesn't have third quality.