CES files
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## UTILS ## Tape get_jump_dict ## DECLARE ## tape = Tape(0) JUMPS = get_jump_dict(CODE, {"[":"]"}) ## INSTRUCTIONS ## + tape.current = (tape.current+1)%256 - tape.current = (tape.current-1)%256 > tape.move_right() < tape.move_left() , tape.current = ord(GET_CHAR(chr(0))) . print(chr(tape.current), end="") [ if tape.current == 0: JUMP ] if tape.current != 0: JUMP
## DECLARE ## acc = 0 f = lambda acc: 0 if acc in [-1,256] else acc ## INSTRUCTIONS ## i acc = f(acc+1) d acc = f(acc-1) s acc = f(acc**2) o print(acc,end="")
Deadfish 2
## DECLARE ## acc = 0 s = "" ## INSTRUCTIONS ## i acc += 1 d acc -= 1 s acc **= 2 o print(acc,end="") O print(s,end="") c print(chr(acc),end="") n acc = 0 r s = input() h HALT
I'm not sure if this is correct -- can someone please check? Preferably the devs of Poohbear? (I don't understand C)
## UTILS ## BoundedTape get_jump_dict ## DECLARE ## tape = BoundedTape(0,30000) JUMPS = get_jump_dict(CODE,{"W":"E"}) copied = 0 ## INSTRUCTIONS ## + tape.current = (tape.current+1)%256 - tape.current = (tape.current-1)%256 > tape.move_right() < tape.move_left() c copied = tape.current p tape.current = copied W if tape.current == 0: JUMP E if tape.current != 0: JUMP P print(chr(tape.current),end="") N print(tape.current,end="") T tape.current = (tape.current*2)%256 Q tape.current = (tape.current**2)%256 U tape.current = int(tape.current**.5) L tape.current = (tape.current+2)%256 I tape.current = (tape.current-2)%256 V tape.current = tape.current//2 A tape.current = (tape.current+copied)%256 B tape.current = (tape.current-copied)%256 Y tape.current = (tape.current*copied)%256 D tape.current = tape.current//copied
## UTILS ## get_jump_dict Stack ## DECLARE ## JUMPS = get_jump_dict(CODE, {"(":")"}) stack = Stack() ## INSTRUCTIONS ## ~ item1 = stack.pop() item2 = stack.pop() stack.push(item1) stack.push(item2) : item = stack.pop() stack.push(item) stack.push(item) ! stack.pop() * item1 = stack.pop() item2 = stack.pop() stack.push(item2 + item1) ( start = __ip JUMP stack.push(CODE[start+1:__ip]) a stack.push("(%s)"%stack.pop()) ^ CODE = CODE[:__ip+1] + stack.pop() + CODE[__ip+1:] S print(stack.pop(),end="") ## BETWEEN ## JUMPS = get_jump_dict(CODE, {"(":")"})
## DECLARE ## x = 0 ## INSTRUCTIONS ## + x=(x+1)%256 - print(chr(x),end=""),x=(x-1)%256
## DECLARE ## number = 0 tape = "" translate = ["R", "U", "N", "E", "O"] ## INSTRUCTIONS ## R number = RUNNER(tape);tape = "" U tape += translate[number % 5] N number -= 1 E number += 1 O print(number) return number
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