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from copy import deepcopy class ExpandableList: """A list that expands when indexed out of bounds. ExpandableList(default) -> object""" def __init__(self, default): self.items = [deepcopy(default)] self.default = default def __expand_to(self, pos): if pos < 0: self.items = [deepcopy(self.default) for _ in range(-pos)] + self.items elif pos >= len(self.items): self.items += [deepcopy(self.default) for _ in range(pos-len(self.items)+1)] return max(pos, 0) def __getitem__(self, pos): pos = self.__expand_to(pos) return self.items[pos] def __setitem__(self, pos, item): pos = self.__expand_to(pos) self.items[pos] = item def __len__(self): return len(self.items) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.items) class Tape(ExpandableList): """An ExpandableList with a pointer. Tape(default) -> object""" def __init__(self, default): super().__init__(default) self.ptr = 0 def move_right(self, count=1): self.ptr += count self.current def move_left(self, count=1): self.ptr -= count self.current self.ptr = max(self.ptr,0) @property def current(self): return self[self.ptr] @current.setter def current(self, current): self[self.ptr] = current class BoundedTape(Tape): """A bounded list with a pointer. BoundedTape(default, size) -> object""" def __init__(self, default, size): self.default = default self.items = [deepcopy(default) for _ in range(size)] self.ptr = 0 def move_right(self, count=1): if self.ptr + count >= len(self.items): raise IndexError self.ptr += count def move_left(self, count=1): if self.ptr - count < 0: raise IndexError self.ptr -= count class Stack: """A stack. Stack() -> object""" def __init__(self): self.items = [] def push(self, item): self.items.append(item) def pop(self): return self.items.pop() def __combine_dicts(d1, d2): return dict(list(d1.items())+list(d2.items())) def __get_jump_dict_single_match(code, from_char, to_char): jumps = {} to_add = [] for pos in range(len(code)): c = code[pos] if c == from_char: to_add.append(pos) elif c == to_char: jumps[to_add.pop()] = pos return jumps def get_jump_dict(code, matches, bidi=True): """Gets the jump dictionary for code. Arguments: code: The code to find jumps in. matches: A dictionary of jump characters (e.g. to jump from [ to ], {'[':']'}) bidi: Whether or not the jumps are bidirectional.""" total = {} for fc, tc in matches.items(): new_jumps = __get_jump_dict_single_match(code, fc, tc) total = __combine_dicts(total, new_jumps) if bidi: reversed_total = {v:k for k,v in total.items()} total = __combine_dicts(total, reversed_total) return total
def make_char_esolang(file): with open(file+".ces") as f: ces_data = [line.rstrip("\n").replace(" ","\t") for line in f.readlines()] sections = {} current_section = None for line in ces_data: if line.startswith("## ") and line.endswith(" ##"): current_section = line[3:-3] sections[current_section] = [] elif line: sections[current_section].append(line) ces_py = "" if "UTILS" in sections.keys(): ces_py += "from utils import %s\n"%(", ".join(sections["UTILS"])) ces_py += "import sys\n\ndef __get_input(default):\n\tglobal __prgm_input\n\t" ces_py += "if not __prgm_input: __prgm_input += input()\n\t" ces_py += "if not __prgm_input: return default\n\t" ces_py += "output, __prgm_input = __prgm_input[0], __prgm_input[1:]\n\t" ces_py += "return output\n\n" ces_py += "def run_%s(CODE):\n\tglobal __prgm_input\n\t"%file ces_py += "\n\t".join(sections.get("DECLARE",[]))+"\n\t" ces_py += "__ip = 0\n\t__prgm_input = \"\"\n\t" ces_py += "while __ip<len(CODE):\n\t\t__instr = CODE[__ip]\n\t\t" instrs = "" for instr in sections["INSTRUCTIONS"]: if len(instr) == 1: instrs += "elif __instr == \"%s\":\n"%instr elif instr.startswith("\t"): instrs += instr + "\n" else: instrs += "elif __instr == \"%s\":\n\t%s\n"%(instr[0],instr[2:]) instrs = instrs[2:-1].replace("\n","\n\t\t") instrs = instrs.replace("JUMP","__ip = JUMPS[__ip]") instrs = instrs.replace("GET_CHAR","__get_input") instrs = instrs.replace("HALT","sys.exit()") between = "\n\t\t".join(sections.get("BETWEEN",[])) ces_py += instrs+"\n\t\t"+between+"\n\t\t__ip += 1" with open(file+".py","w") as f: f.write(ces_py)
## UTILS ## Tape get_jump_dict ## DECLARE ## tape = Tape(0) JUMPS = get_jump_dict(CODE, {"[":"]"}) ## INSTRUCTIONS ## + tape.current = (tape.current+1)%256 - tape.current = (tape.current-1)%256 > tape.move_right() < tape.move_left() , tape.current = ord(GET_CHAR(chr(0))) . print(chr(tape.current), end="") [ if tape.current == 0: JUMP ] if tape.current != 0: JUMP
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