-1 bytes :/

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-1 bytes :/ is an esolang by User:YufangTSTSU and inspired by 0 bytes XD which is inspired by 9 bytes :I which is inspired by 13 bytes :D which is inspired by 16 bytes :P which is inspired by 25 bytes o:, probably inspired by -25 bytes (O_o) which is inspired by -5 bytes ;). The original goal was to create world's smallest compiler/interpreter.


The program converts the code to integer by .reduce((x, y) => x * 10 + y.ord - 48) (Pseudocode), so both 6093 and foo would be interpreted as 6093. If the integer is multiple of 3, outputs "Fizz". If it's multiple of 5, outputs "Buzz". If it's none of them, output the integer itself.



Outputs "0".


Outputs "Fizz".


Outputs "FizzBuzz".


Outputs "Fizz".


Outputs "Fizz", only.


Outputs "57".


The shortest interpreter in HQ9+fuck:

With the file name as hq9+.

A standard empty HQ9+fuck source code file has 0 bytes, and has a file extension of .hq9+. Since this interpreter is 1 byte smaller than a standard empty HQ9+fuck source code file (by removing a dot), it has 0 - 1 = -1 bytes, making it beat up all of positive 25 bytes o: variants. Though it's still pretty huge for -25 bytes (O_o) and -5 bytes ;), there IS a -1 bytes interpreter of -1 bytes :/, responding to its name, while none of them have.

So HAHA I WON!!!!!!!!!!!