-25 bytes (O_o)

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-25 bytes (O_o) is an esolang by User:PrySigneToFry and inspired by -5 bytes ;) which is inspired by 0 bytes XD which is inspired by 9 bytes :I which is inspired by 13 bytes :D which is inspired by 16 bytes :P which is inspired by 25 bytes o:.

Command table

Cmd Description
E Addition: Pop two values a and b, then push the result of a+b
~ Subtraction: Pop two values a and b, then push the result of b-a
% Multiplication: Pop two values a and b, then push the result of a*b
@ Integer division: Pop two values a and b, then push the result of b/a, rounded down. According to the specifications, if a is zero, ask the user what result they want.
' Modulo: Pop two values a and b, then push the remainder of the integer division of b/a.
~ Logical NOT: Pop a value. If the value is zero, push 1; otherwise, push zero.
) Greater than: Pop two values a and b, then push 1 if b>a, otherwise zero.
[ PC direction right
* PC direction left
R PC direction up
q PC direction down
X Random PC direction
a Horizontal IF: pop a value; set direction to right if value=0, set to left otherwise
( Vertical IF: pop a value; set direction to down if value=0, set to up otherwise
" Toggle stringmode (push each character's ASCII value all the way up to the next ")
+ Duplicate top stack value
M Swap top stack values
p Pop top of stack and discard
^ Pop top of stack and output as integer
u Pop top of stack and output as ASCII character
N Bridge: jump over next command in the current direction of the current PC
c A "get" call (a way to retrieve data in storage). Pop two values y and x, then push the ASCII value of the character at that position in the program. If (x,y) is out of bounds, push 0
A "put" call (a way to store a value for later use). Pop three values y, x and v, then change the character at the position (x,y) in the program to the character with ASCII value v
} Get integer from user and push it
× Get character from user and push it
@ End program
0123456789 Push corresponding number onto the stack


Not on display.


The implementation must has -25 bytes. So YOU CAN NEVER IMPLEMENT THIS!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
