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彳亍 is an esolang invented by User:None1 that uses Chinese characters, what a Chinese character does depends on the radical of it.
It has a stack that stores unbounded signed integers, two stacks when using extensions.
Radical | Meaning | Example of Chinese characters |
⺅ | Increment stack top | 你 他 |
口 | Decrement stack top | 吃 吵 |
彳 | Swap top stack values | 行 衡 |
⺨ | Output stack top as Unicode character(except 狂, it output the whole stack in Unicode by reversed order and clear the stack) | 猫 猪 |
⺖ | Output stack top as integer(except 怀, it output the whole stack in integer by reversed order and clear the stack) | 惊 怕 |
⺡ | Push a 0 into stack | 河 海 |
火 | Pop stack top | 烧 烟 |
⻖(at the left) | While stack top is nonzero | 阳 阴 |
⻖(at the right) | Matches ⻖(at the left) | 邵 郴 |
木 | Halt | 桂 林 |
⺘ | Clear the stack | 打 操 |
⻐ | Push a random number from 0 to 1 onto the stack | 铅 铁 |
⺣ | Input a number and push it onto the stack | 热 烈 |
艹 | Input a Unicode character and push its Unicode value onto the stack | 草 花 |
光 | Square the stack top | 辉 耀 |
冫 | (Extensional) Dig up the stack bottom | 冰 冽 |
⺮ | (Extensional) Compare the first two of stack, returns 1 if the top is greater, 0 is equal, -1 is less | 等 答 |
土 | (Extensional) Switch between the first stack and the second one | 墙 坑 |
宀 | (2.0)Works like + in befunge | 宝 宗 |
饣 | (2.0)Works like - in befunge | 饥 饱 |
日(At left) | (2.0)Works like * in befunge | 时 明 |
月(At left or at bottom) | (2.0)Works like / in befunge | 臂 膀 |
Other radicals | NOP | 斌 逊 |
Reading the top of an empty stack results in 0.
If a character has more than 1 possible radical, the one that appears first in the list is used.
XKCD Random Number
Truth Machine
Cat program
Hello, world!
Prints "114514"
他们说,辉赫永远不会洒在你身上。 惆怅着,循环着, 以至忘了怎么去恨仇, 怎么不忧虑自己的得失。 习惯了这不合常理的规律, 想诉说这所有的离奇, 最后却连吐字也怕起来了。
- A 彳亍 interpreter written in Pyline by User:YufangTSTSU