User:Marinus/Brainfuck interpreters

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These are some Brainfuck implementations that I wrote in various esoteric languages. All of them have unlimited memory (i.e. not constrained by the interpreter itself), and they all use the same input rules as DBFI, i.e. <program>!<input>.


(cells the size of the DUP implementation's cells)

[ i;;'+=[ m;;1+m;: ][
  i;;'-=[ m;;1-m;: ][
  i;;'>=[ m;1+m: ][
  i;;'<=[ m;1-m: ][
  i;;'.=[ m;;, ][
  i;;',=[ `m;: ][
        i;;91=[ d;1+d: ][i;;93=[ d;1-d: ][]?]?
        i;;93=[ d;1+d: ][i;;91=[ d;1-d: ][]?]?



(infinitely large cells)

   en  u[+]0gc   fq nt[gb[g0p1pce1agt1pf2pgrb]ecgb]c
      eu[-]0gc   fq nt[gb[g0p1pce1sgt1pf2pgrb]ecgb]c
      eu[<]0gc   fq nt[gb[e1s]ecgb]c
      eu[>]0gc   fq nt[gb[e1ag1p0peyfdt[gb0t1[eucuy91afd]gwecgb]c]ecgb]c
      eu[.]0gc   fq nt[gb[g0p1pcteq]ecgb]c
      eu[,]0gc   fq nt[gb[gb0pengtrb]ecgb]c
      eu 91a9m1a fq nt[gb[g0p1pcf0qn]ec91a9m1agtecgb]c
      eu 91a9m3a fq nt[gb[g0p1pcf0qn]ec91a9m3agtec[gw]cgb]c
        [!]0gc fqn
]gw fc


(cells the size of the Whitespace implementation's cells)

import "stdlib/base.hpl"

def read-pgm(*buffer) =
    (if (== (read-char *buffer) '!')
        (set *buffer 0)
        (++ (read-pgm (++ *buffer))))

def inline read-pgm() = (alloc (++ (read-pgm (ref 0))))

var mp = 0 
var memsize = 0

def inline getmem(addr) = (ref (ref 0) addr)
def inline setmem(addr val) = (set (ref 0) addr val)

def inline left() = (set mp (-- (ref mp)))
def inline right() = (do
    (set mp (++ (ref mp)))
    (if (>= (ref mp) (ref memsize))
        (do (set memsize (++ (ref memsize)))
            (setmem (ref mp) 0))

def inline inc() = (setmem (ref mp) (++ (getmem (ref mp))))
def inline dec() = (setmem (ref mp) (-- (getmem (ref mp))))
def inline inp() = (setmem (ref mp) (read-char))
def inline out() = (print-char (getmem (ref mp)))

var program = 0 
var ip = 0

def inline readpgm() = (set program (read-pgm))

def loopahead(depth) = 
    let curchr = (ref (ref program) (++ (ref ip)))
    in (if (== depth 0) 
           (do (set ip (++ (ref ip)))
               (if (== curchr '[') (loopahead (++ depth))
               (if (== curchr ']') (loopahead (-- depth))
                                   (loopahead depth)))))

def loopback(depth) =
    let curchr = (ref (ref program) (-- (ref ip)))
    in (if (== depth 0)
           (do (set ip (-- (ref ip)))
               (if (== curchr '[') (loopback (-- depth))
               (if (== curchr ']') (loopback (++ depth))
                                   (loopback depth)))))

def inline step() =
    let curchr = (ref (ref program) (ref ip))
    in (do 
         (if (== curchr '+') (inc)
         (if (== curchr '-') (dec)
         (if (== curchr '>') (right)
         (if (== curchr '<') (left)
         (if (== curchr '.') (out)
         (if (== curchr ',') (inp)
         (if (and (== curchr '[') (== 0 (getmem (ref mp)))) (loopahead 1)
         (if (and (== curchr ']') (!= 0 (getmem (ref mp)))) (loopback 1)
         (if (== curchr 0) (end)

def run() = (do
    (set ip (++ (ref ip)))

def main() = (do


(8-bit cells)

;;; Brainfuck interpreter in Pointy
;;; 8 bit cells. [0-255]
;;; Input format: program!input

CPY 0 0 ; Zero cell for unconditional jump

; Read program upto !
; Program storage: 10....

CPY 10 2 ; Program starts at cell #10

LBL readcmd


; if character=!, stop reading
CPY *1 4
CPY 33 5
LBL check_end
DEC 4 maybe_end
DEC 5 store_char
DEC 0 check_end
LBL maybe_end
DEC 5 read_done

LBL store_char

; figure out which command it is, then store it
; 0=end 1=+ 2=- 3=< 4=> 5=, 6=. 7=[ 8=]

; +?

CPY *1 4
CPY 43 5 ; 43=+
LBL check_inc
DEC 4 maybe_inc
DEC 5 not_inc
DEC 0 check_inc
LBL maybe_inc
DEC 5 store_inc
LBL not_inc

; -?
CPY *1 4
CPY 45 5 ; 45=-
LBL check_dec
DEC 4 maybe_dec
DEC 5 not_dec
DEC 0 check_dec
LBL maybe_dec
DEC 5 store_dec
LBL not_dec

; >?

CPY *1 4
CPY 62 5 ; 62=>
LBL check_next
DEC 4 maybe_next
DEC 5 not_next
DEC 0 check_next
LBL maybe_next
DEC 5 store_next
LBL not_next

; <?
CPY *1 4
CPY 60 5 ; 60=<
LBL check_prev
DEC 4 maybe_prev
DEC 5 not_prev
DEC 0 check_prev
LBL maybe_prev
DEC 5 store_prev
LBL not_prev

; ,?
CPY *1 4
CPY 44 5 ; 44=,
LBL check_inp
DEC 4 maybe_inp
DEC 5 not_inp
DEC 0 check_inp
LBL maybe_inp
DEC 5 store_inp
LBL not_inp

; .?
CPY *1 4
CPY 46 5 ; 46=.
LBL check_out
DEC 4 maybe_out
DEC 5 not_out
DEC 0 check_out
LBL maybe_out
DEC 5 store_out
LBL not_out

; [?
CPY *1 4
CPY 91 5 ; 91=[
LBL check_loopbegin
DEC 4 maybe_loopbegin
DEC 5 not_loopbegin
DEC 0 check_loopbegin
LBL maybe_loopbegin
DEC 5 store_loopbegin
LBL not_loopbegin

; ]?
CPY *1 4
CPY 93 5 ; 93=]
LBL check_loopend
DEC 4 maybe_loopend
DEC 5 not_loopend
DEC 0 check_loopend
LBL maybe_loopend
DEC 5 store_loopend
LBL not_loopend

; it is apparently not a command, so skip it and read the next one
DEC 0 readcmd

; store commands in memory
LBL store_inc
CPY 1 *2
DEC 0 store_done
LBL store_dec
CPY 2 *2
DEC 0 store_done
LBL store_prev
CPY 3 *2
DEC 0 store_done
LBL store_next
CPY 4 *2
DEC 0 store_done
LBL store_inp
CPY 5 *2
DEC 0 store_done
LBL store_out
CPY 6 *2
DEC 0 store_done
LBL store_loopbegin
CPY 7 *2
DEC 0 store_done
LBL store_loopend
CPY 8 *2

LBL store_done
; read next command
DEC 0 readcmd

LBL read_done
; reached the end of the commands
; store end-of-program, 2 is now MP
CPY 0 *2
CPY 10 3 ; 3 = IP

; run current command
LBL step
CPY **3 4
DEC 4 end ; 0
DEC 4 do_inc ; 1
DEC 4 do_dec ; 2
DEC 4 do_prev ; 3
DEC 4 do_next ; 4
DEC 4 do_inp ; 5
DEC 4 do_out ; 6
DEC 4 do_loopbegin ; 7
DEC 4 do_loopend ; 8

LBL step_end
DEC 0 step

; +
LBL do_inc
; increase, if = 256 then set to zero
INC *2

CPY **2 4
CPY 256 5
LBL check_overflow
DEC 4 maybe_overflow
DEC 5 step_end
DEC 0 check_overflow
LBL maybe_overflow
DEC 5 handle_overflow
DEC 0 step_end
LBL handle_overflow
CPY 0 *2 ; set to zero
DEC 0 step_end

; -
LBL do_dec
; decrease, if already zero then set to 255
DEC *2 handle_underflow
DEC 0 step_end
LBL handle_underflow
CPY 255 *2
DEC 0 step_end

; <
LBL do_prev
DEC 2 mem_underflow
DEC 0 step_end

; >
LBL do_next
DEC 0 step_end

; ,
LBL do_inp
INP *2
DEC 0 step_end

; .
LBL do_out
OUT **2
DEC 0 step_end

; [
LBL do_loopbegin
; don't jump if not zero
CPY **2 4
DEC 4 mem_zero
DEC 0 step_end
LBL mem_zero

; find matching ]
CPY 0 6  ; 6 = depth
LBL loop_scan_ahead
INC 3 ; ip++
; if [ (7) increase depth
CPY **3 4
CPY 7 5
LBL loopfwd_check_inc
DEC 4 loopfwd_maybe_inc
DEC 5 loopfwd_no_inc
DEC 0 loopfwd_check_inc
LBL loopfwd_maybe_inc
DEC 5 loopfwd_inc
LBL loopfwd_no_inc
; if ] (8) decrease depth
CPY **3 4
CPY 8 5
LBL loopfwd_check_dec
DEC 4 loopfwd_maybe_dec
DEC 5 loopfwd_no_dec
DEC 0 loopfwd_check_dec
LBL loopfwd_maybe_dec
DEC 5 loopfwd_dec
LBL loopfwd_no_dec
; it is neither try next one
DEC 0 loop_scan_ahead

; increase depth
LBL loopfwd_inc
DEC 0 loop_scan_ahead
; decrease depth, jump back into main routine if 0
LBL loopfwd_dec
DEC 6 step_end
DEC 0 loop_scan_ahead

; [
LBL do_loopend
; only jump if not zero
CPY **2 4
DEC 4 step_end

; find matching [
CPY 0 6 ; 6 = depth
LBL loop_scan_back
DEC 3 ip_underflow
; if ] (8) increase depth
CPY **3 4
CPY 8 5
LBL loopback_check_inc
DEC 4 loopback_maybe_inc
DEC 5 loopback_no_inc
DEC 0 loopback_check_inc
LBL loopback_maybe_inc
DEC 5 loopback_inc
LBL loopback_no_inc
; if [ (7) decrease depth
CPY **3 4
CPY 7 5
LBL loopback_check_dec
DEC 4 loopback_maybe_dec
DEC 5 loopback_no_dec
DEC 0 loopback_check_dec
LBL loopback_maybe_dec
DEC 5 loopback_dec
LBL loopback_no_dec
; neither, try previous one
DEC 0 loop_scan_back

; increase depth
LBL loopback_inc
DEC 0 loop_scan_back
; decrease depth, jump back into main routine if 0
LBL loopback_dec
DEC 6 step_end
DEC 0 loop_scan_ahead

LBL ip_underflow
OUT 73
DEC 0 underflow
LBL mem_underflow
OUT 77
LBL underflow
OUT 80
OUT 60
OUT 48
OUT 10
LBL end


(8-bit cells)



(infinitely large cells)
