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hi, I do stuff every so often, esolanging is one of those things

300+ edits!

I lurk in Special:RecentChanges... beware.........

click here to jump past the self-advertising

my non-esoteric works

VSCode Box Drawing

I made a VSCode plugin that lets you draw with Unicode's box drawing characters! Useful for languages like Funciton and Marbles.

I recommend you check it out!

  • [1] - VSCode Marketplace
  • [2] - GitHub Repo

who. who are you

aadenboy! yeah that should be obvious

not gonna brief everything about myself! I've already done that on my website


Automatically generated list
  • Trampolines
    a 2d physics-based esolang centered around trampolines
    a low-level language centered around memory leakage (and bloat) (there are no leeks)
    a meta-esolang that can derive from any other existing esolang, the page for this esolang is a valid program
  • Stub
    a joke pseudonatural language based around the stub template (and similar headers)
  • Estrita
    a parody of typescript that is a superset of lua with VERY strict typing
  • Kawa
    an APL/Uiua-like language inspired by Japanese radicals
  • Iterate
    a language with only iterative loops
    a language based on list folding and mapping w/ lambdas


  • Lua
    favorite and go-to language. love lua
  • Python
    it's there
  • JavaScript
    it's one of the languages ever
    typescript is cooler though
  • C
    dabbled in C a bit ago, fun language! I am not great with memory management though! my code was probably extremely unsafe! lalala whatever
    holy CRAP is it fast
  • honestly if you learn at least. two. languages you're basically set to learn any other
    that's my take on this

anything else

GIVE ME FEEDBACK ON MY ESOLANGS... I AM A GLUTTON FOR FEEDBACK!!!! /hjbutnotreallyiwouldlovethefeedbackthough

signature code: aadenboy (talk|contribs)

<span style="transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(308deg) scale(2,1); text-shadow: 3px 3px 4px #0008; display: inline-block; padding-right: 3em;">—[[User:Aadenboy|aadenboy]] ([[User_talk:Aadenboy|talk]]|[[Special:Contributions/Aadenboy|contribs]])</span>

(this barely fits the character limit, zero characters left over)

lua !!!!!!!!!

I love verdana font...