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Designed by User:Aadenboy
Appeared in 2024
Computational class Turing complete
Reference implementation Unimplemented
File extension(s) .html, page is an esolang which can be any or all esolangs. It has no specific anything (apart from a few built-in instructions) and may do anything any other language can, as long as it exists on

About Program

This page is a valid program.


A program is formatted like a wiki page, starting with an infobox proglang template, then a short summary of it's purpose. The contents of the template and the introduction can be whatever.

At least two categories are required, the first being anything more specific about the program itself, such as dependencies or performance, the last being the actual code to run, wrapped in a <pre> tag, <code> tag or indented with a single space.

Anywhere within the program must be at least one category assigned to it. It does not matter where it is or what the category is (if it even exists), there just has to be one.

An example would be:

{{infobox proglang
'''Example''' is a program example.

== Example Category ==
Meta category talking about itself.

== Program ==



While the instructions used within an program are defined by the esolangs used, there are built-in ones in place to even begin doing so.

Instruction Wiki Description
[[<page>]] References the page with the name <page> as a link. Initializes the language. Does not have to be an esolang.[1]
{{Load|<page>}} Uses the Load template. Starts interpreting the following text as the language. If a previous language was already loaded, they both interpret at the same time.[2] Interpretation happens from and to the start and end of any instance of valid code within the language.
{{Clear}} Uses the Clear template. Stops interpreting any actively interpreting languages, all future text will be ignored unless a new language is loaded.
[[File:<file>]] Displays a file, like an image. Loads a file[3] as if it were text, for languages that use non-textual programs.
<nowiki> ... </nowiki> or <pre> ... </pre> Doesn't apply wiki formatting to text. Makes code plaintext, disallowing interpreting.
<!-- ... --> Comment. A comment.
  1. It still has to be a valid page. Whatever a non-esolang page does is up to interpretation.
  2. Assuming the code is properly structured.
  3. Doesn't have to be a valid uploadable file. <file> is the path to a file.

