Quinary Bueue

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Quinary Bueue is an esolang by User:ChuckEsoteric08.


Command Description
0 enqueue 0
1 enqueue 1
[ dequeue, if zero jump after matching ]
] jump back to matching [

Computational class

Quinary Bueue is Turing-complete because it can simulate brainfuck with fixed amount of unbounded cells. First we should translate brainfuck into a version with wrapping tape. Then we translate it into Quinary Bueue like that:

Create new cell:


> becomes:


+> becomes:


-> becomes:

[1]00, move to this cell, 10

-[ becomes:


-]> becomes:


Example: program ++[>+<-] with two cells first becomes:


And then becomes:



The following implementation is provided in Common Lisp:

(deftype hash-table-of (&optional (key-type T) (value-type T))
  "Defines a hash table of keys conforming to the KEY-TYPE and
   values of the VALUE-TYPE."
  (let ((predicate (gensym)))
    (declare (type symbol predicate))
    (setf (symbol-function predicate)
      #'(lambda (candidate)
          (declare (type T candidate))
          (and (hash-table-p candidate)
               (loop for    key of-type T being the hash-keys in candidate
                     using  (hash-value value)
                     always (and (typep key key-type)
                                 (typep value value-type))))))
    `(satisfies ,predicate)))

(deftype list-of (&optional (element-type T))
  "Defines a list of zero or more elements of the ELEMENT-TYPE."
  (let ((predicate (gensym)))
    (declare (type symbol predicate))
    (setf (symbol-function predicate)
      #'(lambda (candidate)
          (declare (type T candidate))
          (and (listp candidate)
               (loop for    element of-type T in candidate
                     always (typep element element-type)))))
    `(satisfies ,predicate)))

(defstruct (BQueue
  (:constructor make-bqueue (&aux (head-pointer (list 0))
                                  (tail-pointer head-pointer)))
  (:conc-name NIL)
    (lambda (bqueue stream)
      (declare (type BQueue bqueue)
               (type (or null (eql T) stream string) stream))
      (format stream "(BQueue~{ ~d~^,~})"
        (rest (head-pointer bqueue))))))
  "Implements a binary queue based upon the \"tail concatenation\"
   principle of lists."
  (head-pointer (error "Missing head pointer.")
                :type (list-of bit) :read-only NIL)
  (tail-pointer (error "Missing tail pointer.")
                :type (list-of bit) :read-only NIL))

(defun enqueue (bqueue new-element)
  "Inserts the NEW-ELEMENT at the BQUEUE's rear and returns no value."
  (declare (type BQueue bqueue) (type bit new-element))
  (setf (rest (tail-pointer bqueue)) (list new-element))
  (setf (tail-pointer bqueue)        (rest (tail-pointer bqueue)))

(defun dequeue (bqueue)
  "Removes and returns the front element from the BQUEUE, or signals an
   error upon its vacancy."
  (declare (type BQueue bqueue))
  (the bit
    (if (rest (head-pointer bqueue))
      (prog1 (second (head-pointer bqueue))
        (pop (head-pointer bqueue)))
      (error "Cannot dequeue from an empty queue."))))

(defun compute-jump-points (code)
  "Returns a jump table which associates the jump points in the Quinary
   Bueue source CODE."
  (declare (type string code))
  (let ((jump-table   (make-hash-table :test #'eql))
        (start-points NIL))
    (declare (type (hash-table-of fixnum fixnum) jump-table))
    (declare (type (list-of fixnum)              start-points))
    (loop for token    of-type character across code
          and position of-type fixnum    from   0 by 1
          if (char= token #\[) do
            (push position start-points)
          else if (char= token #\]) do
            (if start-points
              (let ((jump-start (pop start-points)))
                (declare (type fixnum jump-start))
                (psetf (gethash jump-start jump-table) position
                       (gethash position   jump-table) jump-start))
              (error "Unmatched \"]\" instruction at position ~d." position))
            (when start-points
              (error "Unmatched \"[\" instruction~p at position~:p ~{~d~^ , ~}."
                (length start-points) start-points)))
    (the (hash-table-of fixnum fixnum) jump-table)))

(defun interpret-Quinary-Bueue (code)
  "Interprets the piece of Quinary Bueue source CODE and returns the memory queue."
  (declare (type string code))
  (let ((ip         0)
        (jump-table (compute-jump-points code))
        (memory     (make-bqueue)))
    (declare (type fixnum                        ip)
             (type (hash-table-of fixnum fixnum) jump-table)
             (type BQueue                         memory))
    (loop while (< ip (length code)) do
      (case (char code ip)
        (#\0 (enqueue memory 0) (incf ip))
        (#\1 (enqueue memory 1) (incf ip))
        (#\[ (when (zerop (dequeue memory))
               (setf ip (gethash ip jump-table)))
             (incf ip))
        (#\] (setf ip (gethash ip jump-table)))
        (otherwise (incf ip))))
    (the BQueue memory)))