Hello++ or Hello Plus Plus is an improvement to the Hello programming language, created by Propeng on Sunday, the 14th of March, 2010 at about 6 PM GMT.
Hello++ will print out "Hello World" whenever it encounters 'h' or 'H'. It ignores all other characters silently.
Unlike the original Hello, it is possible to produce a Quine using Hello++.
Hello World
There are two Hello++ compilers in C# and x86-64 assembly here.
And you can't forget Zayne's interpreter. It's an improved version of his Hello interpreter
i = input("Enter Command: ") if i != 'h': if i != 'H': print("") if i == 'H': print("Hello World") else: print("Hello World")
And also, you can't forget User:A's interpreter. It is written in C:
#include <stdio.h> int main() { char i; i=getchar(); if(i=='h'||i=='H')printf("Hello World"); return 0; }
Also, modified Python interpreter:
i=input(">") if i=='h' or i=='H': print("Hello World")
User:Cortex's interpreter written in ProcessingJS:
var hello = function(x) { for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x.charAt(i) === "h" || x.charAt(i) === "H") { println("Hello World"); } } };
Oh, here's a codegolfed Python 3 interpreter by Spexty (49 bytes):
i=input() if i=='h'or i=='H':print('Hello World')
code golfed Python 3 implementation by User:Ractangle (46 bytes):
print("Hello World")if input()in"h""H"else ...
Here's the same thing for Python 2, except now you have to put quotes around the input (47 bytes):
i=input() if i=='h'or i=='H':print'Hello World'
Again Python 2, but this time you don't have to put quotes around the input (51 bytes):
i=raw_input() if i=='h'or i=='H':print'Hello World'
Here's a shorter one for Python 3 by User:PythonshellDebugwindow (38 bytes):
if input()in 'Hh':print('Hello World')
Here is /// version of Hello++ writen by ChuckEsoteric08
/!/#//#/Hello World /!
This Uses ! as a program. This interpreter is uses # instead of H.
This interpreter in Gray Snail only works if the input is "h" or "H", so it can't make quines.
INPUT ? GOTO is_h H [?] GOTO is_h h [?] OUTPUT "Error" GOTO end a a is_h OUTPUT "Hello World" end
Meanwhile, this one works if the input is "Hello world", so it can make quines.
INPUT start POP ? start [start] GOTO is_h h [?] GOTO is_h H [?] OUTPUT "Error" GOTO end a a is_h OUTPUT "Hello World" end
It is interpreter in REALScript:
new a new b input #a !label run letter b #a if #b H say if #b h say goto run !label say print Hello_World goto run
Here is a code-golfed interpreter written in ProcessingJS by user User:Harumafuji Kohei:
function hello(x) { for(var i in x) if (x[i].toLowerCase() === 'h') println("Hello World"); }