Comments are parts of code which are ignored and not ran. They are often used to explain complicated code, or to temporarily prevent old code from running.
While most serious languages support comments of some sort, this page mostly focuses on how comments can be formed in various esolangs, whether or not with a dedicated syntax.
[Just write anything in matched square brackets. Simple as that]
Asterisk is used as a token for comments
*I am a one-liner *I am a |multi-liner. The pipe is REQUIRED to be in a comment or else this part of the comment will not be considered be a part of the multi-line comment *An ending asterisk is also REQUIRED to be in a comment because *python will throw syntax error
Strings cannot be used as comments in *python :(
To actually make a comment in /// or Thue. You just replace a character that never get's used in code. for example:
/t/hi/ Hello world
for /// and
t::=hi ::= Hello world
for Thue and
[t]=hi *Hello world
for Expansion.
t=hi =(return)Hello world
for A=B
Normal 4ME
You can just put other commands or use the E;
Rewritten 4ME
You just make a python like comment
#oh hi
the problem is that you cant really stack comments to commands
If program encounters an error in a command or encounters this !A
. The line automatically gets turned into a comment
Comments are not a standard in Brain-Flak and thus vary between implementations.
Rain-Flak, the original Ruby implementation of Brain-Flak uses line comments initiated by a #
and ending with a newline.
code # comment code
Anything between the #
and the newline will be neither parsed nor executed.
BrainHack, a later Haskell implementation also uses #
to indicate a comment, however its comments are block comments enclosed in #{...}
, and thus will be parsed for validity but not executed.
code #{ comment more comment } code
Brain-Crack, an even later cross-platform C++ implementation still uses #
to indicate a comment, but this time the characters between two #
's are comments and will not be parsed nor executed.
code # comment # code # comment more comment # code
BrainFlog and Crane-Flak have no comments.
An unrecognized character is a comment in brainfuck. However, if your comment contains a command, you can wrap it around with [] and put it after a loop or at the start of the program. (Anyway, the comment still has to have all square brackets matched.)
[comment] [code][comment]
Since current cell is 0 at the start of program or after loops, the comment is never executed.
int main() { //one-line /* multi-line */ return 0; }
Note: One-line comments are not available before C99!
/// document comments are for generating API documentations class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //one liner /*multi liner*/ } }
CLFCE DOESN'T have a token for comments. But there is a way to "make" comments using the compile array:
compile [1,3,6] therm("Hello, ") This is a one line comment therm("world! ") This is a Multi-line comment therm(":D")
In Befunge and many other fungeoids, you can put comments in places that the IP will not enter.
>v ^<Comment (IP will never be here)
How dare you fuck the brain
The HDYFTB comments had 4 revisions 1:
and the last and current revision:
Same case with the fungeoids/brainfuck. you can just make it a part of the program or just put it somewhere where the ip wont enter
>++: ==== hi
Python uses # for one-line comments:
# Comment :D
Strings can be used as comments too:
"I am a one-line comment" """I am a multi-line comment"""
They are actually a doc string. But who cares
queue-based esolang
is how you make a comment, one-line and multi-line.
Sakana actually has a token for comments:
#one-liner comment#
Alternative universe languages
Comments are allowed to be outside of the main function unlike C or C++
Instead of using a hash (#
). You use an exclamation mark (!
) as a one-liner comment
1: !i am a one-liner
String comments do exists in Snakel
1: "i am a multi-liner"
2: "do you believe that now am i a
3: multi-line comment?"
Putting a newline in a one-line comment will do:
1: !this will\n break
You can also end comments with an exclamation mark (!
1: !this is also a one liner!
1: /comment/
Languages with halting instructions/infinite loops
You can write comments at the end of programs in most languages that have halting instructions/infinite loops. For example, in Deadfish variations with the h
h comment
Or in brainfuck:
[-]+[] comment
P; E; Use S: and E: instead of P; and E; in borth
or in How dare you fuck the brain
H ello
You get the idea
Chicken, Bubblegum, etc.
It is impossible to write comments in these esolangs.
No-code esolangs
Any code is a comment in no-code esolangs, because the result doesn't depend on the code in these esolangs.
Here is an example of comment in Nope., a no-code esolang:
// This is a comment! # This is a comment, too! ; This is also a comment! Comments can be everywhere!