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This article deals with 4ME as it relates to esoteric programming. The programming language doesn't have a Wikipedia page because of the programming language not being that popular
Designed by User:Ractangle
Appeared in 2024
Memory system Queue-based
Computational class Possibly Turing complete
Reference implementation GitHub Repo
File extension(s) .wm
the logo
the logo

4ME is a programming language created by User:Ractangle


Command It's action
out{<string>} Prints the string next to it.
is The input string command.
ns The input number command.
add{<string>} Pushes the string onto the stack.
remove Removes the first element on the stack.
get Outputs the first element on the stack and removes it.
show stack Self-explanatory.
+, -, *, /, m/, Pops the first two/one digit(s), does the operation and pushes the result.
duplicate Duplicates the first value on the stack.
store Basicly will put the first element in the stack to the memory stack.
unstore Does the same thing as the store command but puts the first memory stack element to the stack.
See Comments#4ME Comments.
end Same oparation as out but puts the string to the "end=" argument.


The action to error S Code
Not having any code in the line at all S1456
Outputing variable v with out seting it to a value S3452
No P: at the start of the file S1245


Hello, world!

out{Hello, world!}

Cat program


A+B Problem


Computational Class

Well if the langauge suported functions definition and if condtions (i don't know how do i add that in) then it whould probabaly be turing complete. Despite the fact that the programming language has 2 queue stacks, it's still not turing complete. probabaly

See Also