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4ME is possibly a programming language created by User:Ractangle that has two (three if you count the scraped rewriten version) versions
Normal 4ME
This is basically the 4ME before the planned rewrite of the language
Command | It's action |
P; | Starts the program |
out{...} | Prints a string |
is | Gets string input and pushes it to the stack |
ns | Same thing as is but uses number input
add{...} | Pushes a value to the stack |
pop | Pop's element from stack |
get | Prints a element on the stack and pop's the element |
+,-,*,/ | Operators |
duplicate | duplicate the top value on the stack |
store | Moves element from the stack to the other stack |
unstore | the opposite of store
The action to error | Stop Code |
Not having any code in the line at all | S1456 |
Outputing variable v without seting it to a value | S3452 |
No P: at the start of the file | S1245 |
Hello, world!
P; out{Hello, world!}
Cat program
P; is get
A+B Problem
P; ns ns + get
Rewritten 4ME
This version of 4ME is in progress and will take some time on actually completing it
Argument name | Action |
s | Alowes a .4 program to be used in a server
d | Debug infotmation |
Command | Action |
echo{...} | Prints a string in the brackets. Prints the top value in the stack if the contents is s
var{...=...} | Creates a variable |
echo.var{...} | Prints a variable |
#... | Comment |
user | Gets user input. Cannot be used as a seprate command |
push{...} | Pushes a string in the brackets to stack |
Hello world
echo{Hello, world!}
Cat program
var{_=user} echo.var{_}
Scraped 4ME
By "scraped", i mean that this was a scrpaed rewrite of 4ME
Commands | Action |
[ ... ] | Comment |
out[ ... ] | Print's the contents |