Syntagma is a syntax only esolang.
A program, or syntagma, in Syntagma either validates (no output) or produces a SYNTAX ERROR.
This language consists of strings of SK Combinator calculus evolutions. Valid evolutions validate, invalid evolutions produce SYNTAX ERRORs.
Each syntagma is made up of multiple loxoi.
A loxos is made up multiple valid sub-loxoi.
Sub-loxoi consist of the following symbols:
pelta (shield)^
kausia (a hat)†
xiphos (sword)(or maybeʔ
if we allow our pezhetairoi to carry sickles? but why?)
A valid sub-loxos consists of either:
- a single kausia
- a single xiphos
- a single pelta followed by two valid sub-loxoi
Finally, a loxos is a valid sub-loxos terminated by a single:
depending on the position of the loxos in the syntagma?)
Two adjacent loxoi are termed a di-loxos. Concatenating two valid loxoi does not necessarily make a valid di-loxos. Every di-loxos pairing in a syntagma must be valid.
There are three valid di-loxoi forms:
Where α, β, γ
are valid sub-loxoi, δ
is zero or more pelta, ε
is the tail of the loxos (which may contain any number or combination of ʿ^†
, so long as the entire loxos is valid). λ
is a valid loxos. Two identical loxoi forming a di-loxos is always valid.
A syntagma contains zero, one, or more valid loxoi where any and all di-loxoi are also valid according to the syntax rules above.
Cats: 2024 Languages Joke Thematic Unknown Computational Class