User:I am islptng/Islp-Complete

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A programming language is considered Islp-complete if it meets all the following criteria:

Level 1:

  • It should be able to implement Fractran.
  • It should be able to print one of "Hello, world!", "问天地好在", "問天地好在", "你好,世界!"
  • It should be able to calculate Pi with the following algorithm:
a <- 2
b <- 0
c <- 1
i <- 1
digits <- 100
while i < 4 * digits
    t <- i * 2 + 1
    b <- (a + b) * t
    c <- c * t
    a <- a * i
    i <- i + 1
print B / C
  • There exists a replicator (i.e. quine but it activates its printed result and therefore loops forever).
  • It can store the number 1-631 in its memory.

Level 2:

  • It should be able to implement BasiKnight in a torus.
  • It should be able to do matrix calculations and thus simplifies the pi algorithm above:
a <- Lambda(n): Matrix[[n, 2n+1], [0, 2n+1]]
digits <- 100
prod = Matrix[[2, 0], [0, 1]]
for i <- 1 to digits / 4
    prod <- prod * a[i]
print prod[0,1] / prod[1,1]

(non-predefined class is also acceptable).

  • It should be able to store 1-2i+3j-4k(Hayley-Dickson Algebra) in its memory (non-predefined class is also acceptable).

Level 3:

  • It should be able to calculate that e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0
  • It should be able to implement Tetris, Snake and Pac-Man.
  • It should be able to implement a SAT solver.

Level 4:

  • It should be able to implement BasiKnight in non-toroidal universe by HashLife.
  • It should be able to solve 3 of the ProjectEuler problems.
  • It should be able to implement a neural network.
  • It should be able to do 99BoB by generating the next part of code and execute it.