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This program generates the BF Joust program anticipation2.

# ( -*- brainfuck-joust-mode -*- )*0

my $clearlooppos = <<EOF;

my $clearloopneg = $clearlooppos;
$clearloopneg =~ y/+-/-+/;

my $odcheck = "[" x 246;
  ($um1 = $_-1), $odcheck .= <<EOF for reverse (1..245, 1);

my $clearloopnarrow = <<EOF . $clearlooppos;

my $prog = <<EOF;
set up tripwires
reverse tripwire check
  enemy must have pierced our decoys via rule of 9 or tripwire avoiance
  and is possibly on our flag
  attempt to lock them immediately; we have no information on which
  to base timing/parity so just guess
another reverse tripwire check
  enemy hasn't reached our flag yet; but is near
  switch to shudderlock strategy
    we get here against defence programs that wait on tripwires forever
    simply use a crazy clear loop that they can't be expected to have a
    lock for; the clear loop used here is a 3 in 5 loop with a large
    reverse offset and antishudder/antivibration
    now go onto the main program
    the basic idea: we check to see on what cycle our size 1 tripwires
    disappear; we hope for it to be very soon after the previous cell is
    in other words: we rely on the fact that programs nearly always adjust
    a cell after checking that it's zero; and the cycle before the first
    adjustment must be the first check
    this would be easiest with the cell at zero but then the opponent
    probably wouldn't adjust at all unless trailing: so we have to use 1
        fastest the opponent can get here with a normal clear loop
                  did the opponent check in the other direction?
                  <(+)*75[[]]< ..
      if we get here then the opponent either had a tripwire clash
      with us; or offsets without checking if the cell is 0 first
      in either case our ordinary strategy won't work; so try to lock

$prog =~ s/[^\[\]<>.\+\-(){}*%\d]//g;
$prog =~ s/\([^()]+\)\*0//g;
print $prog;