Translated ORK/Mihai Again21
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ORK: k噣藀|�Y敔嵍.w�x綱=>:?躦职Q曌7簤Bs寨讲熕*觉�4Y[78笭?�掏醩�勽K粲��N抦:#L跆氨饆房 F频�???飧�愯?T轌�仺)贳岛缧斋oZ@5€洗D剔塵??霦留4f�国�yk?&rlw遞伳豇蘖4曨|?w疕C柍�O�埭篠E褫?负???ひ%袠�帝胠??�R鈤範簤渐?蛬!��?谮?蕳/f{fq??�3谆H? 车�嗫┟掐檪�㈤綁b圆@J�螊零静験塪C? 玕稄:廀l? �?"c�Z?疗?a�??ю�h|?顏(Angry to fainting)
1. First, take that bronze piece of sh*t (AGAIN!)
Rope Leb? Seven? Fu Jian is strong in Australia. Play. Noo. Rope Leb? 02/BZ deprecated, Excuse me!
2. Then ravage it according to my light cuisine, then stir it until it comes out with a gold solid, and then hit it 999 times with a hammer, and it will produce a colorful solid. Subsequently, continue stirring until you love Face Raiders.
Google: English -> Romanian Google: Romanian -> Chinese (treat as Japanese) -> Romanian (5 times) Google: Romanian -> English
3. Gold piece of sh*t introduced.
Are you lucky? Seven? A person with practical skills. toy. This is a free period. Good luck to you 02/BZ Haranichikuri, The battle is over!
4. Crazier