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Weirdness with the code tags?

Is there something weird going on here? When you look at the rendered page (heading "Cat" for example) the code is definitely in a code-box, but when you go to the edit page, there is no <code> or <pre> tags. What's happening? This is probably a noobish thing to ask, I'm sorry. 😳 Samorost (talk) 08:30, 5 January 2024 (UTC)

Wider code boxes to make room for the diacritics

I just edited the article to make the code box around the hello world example wider, so you can actually see the diacritics. And it worked. Kinda. The effect was as expected with the browser I'm currently using (Firefox desktop 121). When I browse this page with Firefox Android, the box is as wide, but the diacritics are smushed together. Can anyone confirm? This might need some fiddling with CSS to make it work, would have to investigate and I'm not sure this wiki does even allow it. Also might not be worth the effort because the wiki doesn't look very good on mobile anyway. (Btw. on Chrome Android it the whole page is useless because any Zalgo character is just a "missing glyph box" 🤯..) Samorost (talk) 08:35, 5 January 2024 (UTC)