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I'm bad at creating interpreters, but I was able to at least take a file with Godencode data and turn it into a list of commands using Python. Here's the code:
import binascii code=open(r'file directory') #Creating a list of values lines = [] newNum = True for char in if char in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']: if newNum==True: lines.append(char) newNum=False else: lines[-1] += char else: newNum=True for line in range(len(lines)): lines[line]=int(lines[line]) #Function that decodes a number into a list of operations def decode(line,runlist): i = 2 run = 0 while i * i <= line: if line % i: runlist.append(run) i += 1 run = 0 else: run += 1 line //= i runlist.append(run+1) return runs #Turning list into commands runs = [] for line in lines: decode(line,runs)
I just need a way to actually run the commands (mostly with the bracket commands), and I was wondering if someone could help finish the interpreter. Thanks! -Plasmath (talk) 23:05, 12 June 2021 (UTC)