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Pwajnvlib, compared to BF, is User:Cinnamony's mind compared to one of a neurotypical. He is diagnosed with autism but has gone undiagnosed for so much more.


> moves pointer right
< moves pointer right
, orders pizza from little ceasers and ships it to one of your friends
. prints a failed attempt at communicating the concept in the ASCII character of the cell at pointer
+ increments cell at pointer
- decrements accumulator
[ start of a forever loop
] end of a while loop


  • Even though this would fit in the joke esoteric programming language category, it will not go there because it would be calling neurodiversity "a joke".
  • This is not as weird-but-seemingly-normal as User:Cinnamony's mind compared to one of a neurotypical.
  • User:Cinnamony was very scared of being judged or accused of "faking" while writing this article. (it took me the most courage i ever had to write this note and release it to the, very judging, public)
  • User:Cinnamony has a lot of courage. He wastes it on this.