Project Euler/5

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Project Euler Problem 5 is related to the concept of Lowest Common Multiple. The task is to work out the lowest common multiple of all integers from 1 through 20.

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Warning: tall stack

This program searches for the smallest multiple of 20, then searches for the smallest multiple of 19 among the multiples of 20, and then searches for the smallest multiple of 18 among the multiples of 20×19, and so on.



Python has a library with a LCM function, so we don't need to manually define it this time.

# Euler Problem 5
# by Europe2048

import math
for i in range(1, 21):
    for j in range(1, 21):
        print(math.lcm(i, j), end = " ")

External resources

  • Problem 5 on Project Euler Official Website (not available)
  • Problem 5 on Project Euler Mirror