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Designed by | Mihai Popa |
Appeared in | 2024 |
Computational class | Total |
Major implementations | PIX/Interpreter |
File extension(s) | .pix |

PIX is a esolang made by Mihai Popa. He wants a "fantasy console" that can only show graphics, so he came with a idea, and he called it PIX!
It has 320×320 raster (or vector, depending on the implementation used) graphics, in 4, 16, 32 colors or full RGB.
Command | Meaning | Example |
SM [mode] |
Sets screen mode to "4C" (4 colors), "16C" (16 colors), "32C" (32 colors) or "R" (full RGB) | SM 16C
SC [index] #[hex] |
Sets color specified by a index number to a hex value | SC 1 #0000ff
L [x] [y] [width] [height] [index, pallete] / #[hex, RGB] |
Draws a line | L 5 15 50 60 3 / L 5 15 50 60 #0000ff
R [x] [y] [width] [height] [index, pallete] / #[hex, RGB] |
Draws a rectangle | R 5 15 50 60 3 / R 5 15 50 60 #0000ff
E [x] [y] [width] [height] [index, pallete] / #[hex, RGB] |
Draws a ellipse | E 5 15 50 60 3 / E 5 15 50 60 #0000ff
C [x] [y] [radius] [index, pallete] / #[hex, RGB] |
Draws a circle | C 5 15 15 3 / C 5 15 15 #0000ff
S [x] [y] [size] [index, pallete] / #[hex, RGB] |
Draws a square | S 5 15 15 3 / S 5 15 15 #0000ff
P [x] [y] [index, pallete] / #[hex, RGB] |
Draws a pixel | P 5 15 3 / P 5 15 #0000ff
! [text] |
Single-line comment | ! Will not be shown
Multi-line comments
Syntax is:
*( Hello! You are here. Lorem ipsum. Nǐ hǎo. Blah blah blah... 更喜岷山千里雪,三军过后尽开颜。 Der schnelle braune Fuchs springt über den faulen Hund. 除数が 0 の除算、範囲外のパラメータを使用する関数 (例: arcsin(2)) )*
PIX has the same resolution as a Palm Tungsten T PDA, 320x320 pixels.
Hello, TIC-80!
A more or less graphical version of Hello, world!
! We set the screen mode and pallete SM 16C SC 1 #ffffff SC 2 #1a1c2c SC 3 #29366f SC 4 #41a6f4 SC 5 #f4f4f4 ! We draw the actual picture ! Start R 0 0 320 320 1 R 40 20 200 20 3 R 20 40 220 220 4 R 40 60 180 20 1 ! Eyes R 40 60 180 20 2 R 40 80 180 100 5 R 80 100 20 60 2 R 160 100 20 60 2 ! Mouth R 100 220 60 20 5 R 80 200 20 20 5 R 160 200 20 20 5 ! Bottom R 20 260 220 20 3 ! Boots R 40 280 60 20 2 R 160 280 60 20 2 ! Tail R 240 40 20 220 2 R 260 160 20 20 2 R 280 100 20 60 2
Microsoft Logo
SM 4C SC 1 #ff0000 SC 2 #00ff00 SC 3 #0000ff SC 4 #ffff00 R 0 0 150 150 1 R 160 0 150 150 2 R 0 160 150 150 3 R 160 160 150 150 4
With padding at top-left
SM 4C SC 1 #ff0000 SC 2 #00ff00 SC 3 #0000ff SC 4 #ffff00 R 5 5 150 150 1 R 165 5 150 150 2 R 5 165 150 150 3 R 165 165 150 150 4
Minecraft's official site favicon
! Minecraft site icon ! Sets the colors SM 4C SC 1 #52a435 SC 2 #000000 ! Drawing part R 0 0 320 320 1 R 68 81 60 62 2 R 192 81 60 62 2 R 130 143 60 87 2 R 98 175 32 88 2 R 190 175 32 88 2
PIX's official logo
! PIX's official logo ! Sets the colors SM 16C SC 1 #000000 SC 2 #ffffff SC 3 #ff0000 SC 4 #00ff00 SC 5 #0000ff SC 6 #808000 SC 7 #ff8000 ! Drawing part ! Start R 0 0 320 320 2 ! Squares R 16 16 77 77 3 R 196 16 77 77 4 R 16 105 77 77 5 R 196 105 77 77 6 ! Middle rectangle R 115 80 50 60 7 ! Text ! P R 26 196 20 93 1 R 26 196 67 22 1 R 26 237 67 13 1 R 80 196 13 54 1 ! I R 116 195 25 95 1 ! X R 172 195 20 20 1 R 192 215 20 20 1 R 212 235 20 20 1 R 232 255 20 20 1 R 252 275 20 20 1 R 252 196 20 20 1 R 232 216 20 20 1 R 212 236 20 20 1 R 192 256 20 20 1 R 172 276 20 20 1
Please see PIX/Interpreter, in HTML, CSS and JS