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Interlude is an esolang by User:PythonshellDebugwindow.


Interlude programs are two-dimensional. Each program is divided into acts, which are like programs in themselves. Acts are separated by pipes (|), which form vertical lines called interludes. Acts are rectangular.

This means that the program


consists of three acts, each one consisting of 9 As, 6 Bs, and 12 Cs respectively.

At least two acts must be entered over the course of a program.


The program starts executing at the top-left character of the first act. Acts are executed from left to right, then top to bottom.

For example, the act


would be executed in alphabetical order.

If the bottom-right character of an act is reached, then the program is exited; if less than two acts have been entered during the program, then an error is thrown.


Interlude uses a queue. Dequeuing from an empty queue returns zero.


Command Effect
v Move the IP down a line; if the IP is on the last line, then quit the program
$ Dequeue an integer n and go to the top-left character of the one-indexed nth act
+ Dequeue an integer n; if n is greater than zero, then dequeue n more integers and enqueue their sum, otherwise dequeue an integer and print its ASCII value
* If the next character is a digit 0-9, enqueue it; if it is alphabetic, enqueue its ASCII value; if the next character c is a minus sign, then enqueue the result of subtracting *c from zero (if the character after the minus sign is not alphanumeric, then dequeue an element as normal, but enqueue zero); otherwise, dequeue an element and discard it
? If the next character is a period, input a character and enqueue its ASCII value; if the next character is a command listed in this table, skip it if the element that would be dequeued from the queue next is nonzero (but don't dequeue the element); otherwise, empty the queue
: Throw an error and quit the program (can be used as padding if it will never be executed)

The commands * and ? will skip their following character, if there is one (* can skip two characters in some cases, and ? can skip an entire * or ? command; see #Truth-machine for an example of the latter behaviour). All alphanumeric characters print themselves. Spaces (ASCII 32) cannot appear in a program. All other characters will enqueue 78 into the queue, cause the IP to move to a random act, and change the character directly below the IP (if there is one) to v in that order.


Hello, world!


Cat program




Note that the second ? can skip the entire *1 after it. Note also the extensive use of : as padding.

Dice roll


Outputs a random number from 1 to 6. & is used to jump to a random act, since it is not a command.


  • Common Lisp implementation of the Interlude programming language.