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GS is an esolang invented by User:None1, it is C#, but changed to be suitable for golfing.



All the namespaces are automatically using-ed, so you don't have to do that explicitly, if two namespaces have the same identifiers, the one in the lexicographically smaller namespace is chosen.

if statements

In normal C#, if statements doesn't support types other than boolean, but in GS, other types are automatically converted to boolean in if-statements.

Golfed names

These are the names that are golfed in GS:

Console.Write -> cw
Console.WriteLine -> cl
Console.Read -> cr
Console.ReadLine -> cs
Console.ReadKey -> ck
Convert.ToInt32 -> Ci
Convert.ToInt64 -> Cl
Convert.ToChar -> Cc
Convert.ToString -> Cs
class -> c
struct -> s
interface -> i
enum -> e
delegate -> d
record -> r
event -> E
static -> S
readonly -> R
const -> C
volatile -> v
override -> o
virtual -> V
abstract -> a