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Designed by User:Bil-joodusstudios
Appeared in 2023
Computational class Unknown computational class
Major implementations GRPE Javascript interperter
File extension(s) none

GRPE (GRaphics Producing Esolang) was designed for one purpose, to generate graphics from code.
The output from the Javascript interperter is 512 x 512 pixels, with the actual caluclated pixels being either 256 x 256 or 64 x 64, but in theory the resolution does not matter as long as the x and y coordinates are treated as going from 0 to 255.
Because of the graphical output it is pointless to do mathematical calculations with the intent of reading the output.

Producing Images

The code is run for every pixel in the image, the color is determined by the last value found or calculated, it is converted to r, g and b values and displayed.
Simply typing a number or a hexadecimal value prefixed by #.

255 (or) #0000ff

Will both make every pixel blue.
Numbers are the only recognized data type.
You can use the digraph -> to assign a value from 0 to 255 (if value is higher the modulo is used) to one of the color values.
All operations also require a space between them.

@ Make 26 the value of the red channel
26 -> r
@ Make 86 the value of the green channel
86 -> g
@ make 170 the value of the blue channel
170 -> b
@ make the luminosity 128, this makes all channels half as bright
128 -> l

The @ symbol can be used as a comment and as a label to jump to later in the prorgam
In order to not produce just one color, you can use a few constants to change values per pixel.

Constant Function
x Return the x coordinate between 0 and 255
y Return the y coordinate between 0 and 255
n Return the value of the frame
i Return the index of the pixel between 0 and 65535
? Return a random decimal between 0 and 1
c Return the current color


These are operations that require an argument.

Operation Function
+ Add two values
- Subtract two values (- without a space before a number marks it as negaive)
* Multiply two values
/ Divide two values
^ Take a number to the power of the other
% Find the modulo of two numbers
: Multiply colors together
The induvidual rgb channels from 0 to 1 multiplied with the argument's rgb channels
; Add colors together
Add the induvidual rgb channels together and take the average

These operations require no argument.

Operation Function
` Round number to nearest integer
{ Take the sin of a number
{\ Take the inverse sin of a number
} Take the cos of a number
}\ Take the inverse cos of a number
\/ Take the tan of a number
/\ Take the inverse tan of a number

The trigonometric functions are in radians

If statements

Whenever an if statement is encountered, if it is evaluated as true it will execute the other code on the line, if not it will continue to the next line of the program.
Start an if statment with a ( to set the first argument, then a , to set the next.

 (       x        ,      200
@  first argument    second argument

Now you need to close the if statement to make it evaluate:

Character Function
) First == Second
! First != Second
> First > Second
< First < Second


To loop you need to use labels and goto statements.

@this is a label
~this is a goto

A label can also be used as a comment as it will be ignored by the interperter.
With the goto statement you can jump back to a label of the same name.
A label and goto can have any characters and no code can appear after it on the same line.
You want to use an if statement to break out of a loop because an infinite loop will hang the interperter for it cannot calculate the color of a pixel.


A variable can be defined and modified with the => digraph, if a variable does not exist you will create it otherwise you will change its value.
A variable name can only consist of lower case letters, and can not be equal to b, c, g, i, l, n, r, x or y.
To recall a variables value type its name in the code.

100 => var
var + 1 => var
@ set var to 100 and add 1 to it


The aforementioned constant n returns the value of the current frame, thus can be used to create animations.
This is acomplished by increasing the frame value every time the image renders and rendering it constantly.

x -> r
y -> g
n * 64 -> b

An animated gif of a gradient from black to red on the x axis and black and green on the y axis, adding more and more blue over 4 frames
Excuse the bad gif compression.
The interperter is quite slow, so the 64 x 64 mode is reccomended for animation, this animation is made slower, it runs at around 30 fps on 64 x 64 mode, and 2 on 256 x 256 mode.


Hello, world!

x - 195 => xx
y - 70 ^ 2 => yy
xx ^ 2 + yy ^ .5 => oone

x - 80 => xx
y - 120 ^ 2 => yy
xx ^ 2 + yy ^ .5 => otwo

x - 185 => xx
y - 120 ^ 2 => yy
xx ^ 2 + yy ^ .5 => othree

x - 115 => xx
y - 112 ^ 2 => yy
xx ^ 2 + yy ^ .5 => rcircle

y / 3 + x => lslant
y / 3 - x => rslant


(x,10>(x,15< (y,50>(y,90< #ffffff
(x,10>(x,40< (y,65>(y,70< #ffffff
(x,35>(x,40< (y,50>(y,90< #ffffff

(x,55>(x,60< (y,50>(y,90< #ffffff
(x,55>(x,80< (y,50>(y,55< #ffffff
(x,55>(x,80< (y,85>(y,90< #ffffff
(x,55>(x,80< (y,65>(y,70< #ffffff

(x,95>(x,100< (y,50>(y,90< #ffffff
(x,95>(x,125< (y,85>(y,90< #ffffff

(x,135>(x,140< (y,50>(y,90< #ffffff
(x,135>(x,165< (y,85>(y,90< #ffffff

(oone,20<(oone,15> #ffffff

(lslant,250>(lslant,255< (y,75>(y,90< #ffffff

(rslant,17>(rslant,22< (y,100>(y,140< #ffffff
(lslant,70>(lslant,75< (y,115>(y,140< #ffffff
(rslant,0>(rslant,5< (y,115>(y,140< #ffffff
(lslant,87>(lslant,92< (y,100>(y,140< #ffffff

(otwo,20<(otwo,15> #ffffff

(rcircle,12<(rcircle,7>(x,109> #ffffff
(x,105>(x,110< (y,100>(y,140< #ffffff
(rslant,-80>(rslant,-75< (y,120>(y,140< #ffffff

(x,135>(x,140< (y,100>(y,140< #ffffff
(x,135>(x,165< (y,135>(y,140< #ffffff

(othree,20<(othree,15>(x,179> #ffffff
(x,175>(x,180< (y,100>(y,140< #ffffff

(x,215>(x,220< (y,100>(y,130< #ffffff
(x,215>(x,220< (y,135>(y,140< #ffffff
White text saying "HELLO, WORLD!" on a black background
Output from Hello, world! program

Due to the nature of the language there can be no trivial Hello, World! program, so any program that produces the text as the main thing is a Hello, world! program.

Mandelbrot set

x / 84 - 2.2 => cx
y / -100 + 1.3 => cy
0 => it

0 => xt => yt
yt ^ 2 => yb
xt ^ 2 - yb + cx => ma
2 * xt * yt + cy => yt
ma => xt
yt ^ 2 => yb
xt ^ 2 + yb ^ 0.5 => escape
(escape, 2> ~final
it + 1 => it
(it, 15< ~main

15 - it * 17

A blue render of the Mandelbrot set

Hello world triangle

x - 128 ^ 2 => xcircleone
y ^ 2 + xcircleone ^ .5 => cone
255 - cone => cone
(cone,1< 0 => cone

y - 255 ^ 2 => ycircletwo
x ^ 2 + ycircletwo ^ .5 => ctwo
255 - ctwo => ctwo
(ctwo,1< 0 => ctwo

x - 255 ^ 2 + ycircletwo ^ .5 => cthree
255 - cthree => cthree
(cthree,1< 0 => cthree

cone -> r
ctwo -> b
cthree -> g
c => space

y / 2 => yy
128 + yy => ma
128 - yy => mb
(x,ma< (x,mb> space

A triangle with red green and blue fading into each other from each side

Computational class

Currently I cannot conclude if this language would be turing complete.
I would say turing tarpit because it might be possible to use a lot of if statements to create a complex system.
However that kind of approach would leave the program too slow to practically run, disregarding the difficulties of making sense of the output.

Interperter controls

The interperter has 5 buttons here are their functions in order.
Play/Pause animation
Stop animation and set frame to 0
Step to the next frame and increment frame by 1
Toggle between 256 x 256 and 64 x 64
Help, which links to this page