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Frackit is an esolang created by islptng. It operates on fractions. It has a stack.


Command Meaning
#n push(n) (n is a positive integer)
/ push(1/pop())
! pop()
< insert(0,pop())
> push(pop(0))
^ push(pop().denominator)
* push(pop()*pop())
: duplicate top of stack
% swap top 2 items
[code] execute code infinitely
(code1|code2) pop, if equal to 1, execute code1, else execute code2
+ continue
- break
, input a number(can be fraction or integer), push it
. pop a value and print it(as fraction or integer)
'c print c as a character

If the program begins with a number, the I/O will be modified to the number-base.
For example, if the program begins with 2, inputting 16 will cause 65536 to be pushed(2^16=65536); outputting 65536 will cause 16 to be printed.


Hello World

'H'e'l'l'o',' 'w'o'r'l'd'!'

Truth Machine



There's no current Cat Programs, since this language only allows you to input an any fraction, so the below one is actually a fraction cat.


XKCD Random Number




A+B problem


It supports any positive integers.


Try it online!