Forget Me Not
Forget Me Not is a programming language by User:PixelatedStarfish which is influenced by INTERCAL. The instruction pointer will forget what it was trying to do and start over (or go to the last label). When it forgets, it will replace the instruction it was executing with a randomly generated instruction (in RAM, this is not a self-modifying language). The only way to prevent forgetfulness is to include regular comments that remind the instruction pointer of what to do. For optimal usability, comments should appear in at least one of every 5 lines and no more than one of every 3 lines. If there are not enough comments, the pointer forgets. If there are too many, the pointer feels patronized and refuses to execute the code.
The language is stack based and has a syntax similar to an assembly language. Each instruction gets a line to itself, with arguments separated by a space. A value on the stack can be in the range of 0 to 255 inclusive.
Command | Args | Desc. |
PUSH | VALUE | Push value on to stack. |
ADD | VALUE | Add VALUE to value at top of stack. |
SUB | VALUE | Subtract VALUE from value at top of stack. |
SWAP | POSITION | Swap the value at the top with the value at the specified position in the stack. |
GOTO | IDENTIFIER | Go to identified label. |
CBZ | IDENTIFIER | Go to label if value on stack is zero. |
CBNZ | IDENTIFIER | Go to label if value on stack is not zero. |
CBE | IDENTIFIER | Go to label if stack is empty. |
CBNE | IDENTIFIER | Go to label if stack is not empty. |
POP | None | Pop value off of stack. |
CHAR | None | Print top value as ASCII char. |
VAL | None | Print top value as value. |
DUP | None | Duplicate value at top of stack and push. |
SHFL | None | Shuffle stack. |
INP | None | Take input as an integer value. |
GOBL / RET / GOBLINS / RETURN | None | Goblins. Go to last GOTO and execute the next line. |
R | None | Reverse the stack. |
Q | None | This is the quine instruction, which prints itself. |
NOTE / CMT | None | A note or comment. |
START | None | Indicates where the program starts. This is optional, but it can be useful for programs that do not start on the first line. |
HLT / END | None | End program. |