EmojiLang (Mihai Popa)

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EmojiLang is a esolang made by Mihai Popa, based on only emoji. :)


Command list
Emoji Meaning
🖨️🔡Something🔡 Prints a text string
🖨️Variable Prints a variable
❔Variable Asks for user input
5➕5➡️Variable Adds two numbers and stores the result in a variable (you can do also with more numbers, like three/four/five numbers, etc...)
5➖5➡️Variable Subtracts two numbers and stores the result in a variable (you can do also with more numbers, like three/four/five numbers, etc...)
5✖️5➡️Variable Multiplies two numbers and stores the result in a variable (you can do also with more numbers, like three/four/five numbers, etc...)
5➗5➡️Variable Divides two numbers and stores the result in a variable (you can do also with more numbers, like three/four/five numbers, etc...)
⁉️Truth🟰5 If expression
🎌⁉️Truth🟰5 Else If
🎌 Else
❓Truth🟰5 While loop
🛑❓ Stop while loop
🔁 Start loop
🛑🔁 Stop loop
Variable🟰🔡Hello🔡 Sets a variable to a value
💬This is a comment, any text goes here Marks a single line comment


It's like a simplified version of BASIC, using only emoji. Wrap the value in this emoji: "🔡" if you want a text string, otherwise it would be a number. Comments don't require that emoji for text strings.

Comments are marked with this syntax:

💬This is a comment, any text goes here

Multi-line comments are supported! See this syntax:

This is a comment, any text goes here
Bla bla bla
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet!
The quick brown fox...

Also nesting is supported. Example syntax:

This is a comment, any text goes here
Bla bla bla
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet!
The quick brown fox...


Hello, world!

🖨️🔡Hello, world!🔡



XKCD Random Number


Truth Machine

Note that this is the longest program in this language...

💬This is a Truth Machine in EmojiLang!
💬This is the first part, when the user types "0" and it prints "0".
💬This is the second part, when the user types "1" and loops printing "1".