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Ekativ is an esolang created by User:She.the.people, the name comes from a misspelling of Executive, I don't know why I just thought that sounded cool.

Anyways, this esolang uses a format similar to by+ and each character is called a "command", it also uses an 8 bit array of 16 cells.

Ekativ Commands
Command What it does
> Shift right in the cell array
< Shift left in the cell array
+ Increments the current cell selected, if a number (single digit integer or binary) is specified, add by that amount
- Decrements the current cell selected, if a number (single digit integer or binary) is specified, subtract by that amount
L Shift the number in the current cell left 1 bit, this also converts to binary
R Shift the number in the current cell right 1 bit, this also converts to binary
(...) Repeat everything in the parenthesis until the current cell is the number after the brackets, add a ? before it to break the loop immediately after the condition is met
! Output the current cell as a character

There are some errors that Ekativ can output as well.

Symbol Explanation Severity
% Divide by 0 Warning
? inf or NaN was used Error
O Infinite loop (repetition for too long) Warning
! Outputted invisible character Warning

For example,


results in


Programs Made

No programs have been made with this esolang yet


No interpreters have been made for this esolang yet


This esolang is a WIP and could be changed at any time