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EXAMPL stands for EXAMination Programming Language. This is made by User:A, and it is inspired by the mispelled word of User:Helen's 12th edit of bitch.

This programming language is for passing programming exams with all the test data given.


This programming language automatically uses a file as input data.

If statement

The if statement can only check if the input pointed by the input counter contains a string, with \" recognized as ". If the input matches the string, output the following string.

\n is recognized as newline, \t is recognized as tab, \0 is recognized as null, \* recognized as asterisk, \: recognized as colon.

This is the if statement checking if the input in the input counter contains "aa". If so, then output "bb".


Without quotes:


If there are no colons in a line, it will automatically be printed without checking the input.


The lines with colons act as a scanning loop; it breaks out of the loop when the input does not contain these shown inputs. The lines before them will be printed first, and the lines after them will be printed after the scanning.

There is an asterisk operator to match the rest of the inputs not mentioned.