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Cubically, the Rubik's Cube Programming Language, also called the Pain Cube or just plain Rubik's Cube, is an intensely, painfully complex esoteric programming language by User:MD XF.

This repository contains:

  • rubiks.c - cube operations
  • lang.c - the language
  • visualizer.c - a 2d cube visualizer/emulator

To build everything type make. This will generate two executables, rubiks-lang and visualizer. rubiks-lang either takes a file as a command-line argument or reads from standard input. # Memory

Cubically has an odd memory structure. The memory is a Rubik's cube. Various commands perform operations on this cube, such as turning the right face clockwise by 90 degrees. Other commands perform operations on certain faces of the cube, like adding all values on the top face together and storing them on the notepad (see below).

The six faces of the cube are initialized with the numbers 0 through 5, like this:


After performing a clockwise 90° turn on the right face, the memory cube would look like this:


To make Cubically an (almost) usable language, there is one other piece of memory: the "notepad" (also called the scratchpad). This can store one value at a time. Performing a command on the nonexistent sixth face index will perform the command on memory.


A non-integer in the source code will set the command to that character. Each integer will execute the previous command, using that integer as an argument. There is no way to pass a value outside the range 0..9 to a command.

For example, Y0 executes the command Y with argument 0. Y015 executes Y with 0, then with 1, then with 5.


Memory commands:

Command Description Arguments
R turn right cube face clockwise 90° number of turns
L turn left cube face clockwise 90° number of turns
U turn top cube face clockwise 90° number of turns
D turn bottom cube face clockwise 90° number of turns
F turn front cube face clockwise 90° number of turns
B turn back cube face clockwise 90° number of turns

Control flow:

Command Description Arguments
( set a point to be jumped to by ] and ) anything
) unconditionally jump to the most recently accumulated ( anything
] jump to the most recently accumulated ( if cube is solved anything

General commands:

Command Description Arguments
E exit anything
@ add all values of specified face together, print as ASCII face value (0-6), 6 = notepad
% add all values of specified face together, print as decimal ^
+ add all values of specified face together, add to notepad, write result on notepad ^
- add all values of specified face together, subtract from notepad, write result on notepad ^
* add all values of specified face together, multiply by notepad, write result on notepad ^
/ add all values of specified face together, divide notepad by, write result on notepad ^
= compare notepad and specified face for equality, write result on notepad face value (0-5)
: set notepad to specified face ^


Number Face Visualizer color
0 top red
1 left blue
2 front purple
3 right green
4 back blue
5 down yellow

External resources