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Back to CreativeASM

Here is a catalog of examples for CreativeASM! Now added with FizzBuzz...


Hello, world!

@ Hello, world! example, in CreativeASM
put rax "Hello, world!"
@ We need to put that message in the "rax" register and command to output content from rax.
int rax 01h

Assembled to Batch

@echo off 
set ra= 
set rb= 
set rc= 
set rd= 
REM Another set 
set rax= 
set rbx= 
set rcx= 
set rdx= 
REM Special ones 
set r= 
set s= 
set t= 
set u= 
REM x86 assembly ones 
set eax= 
set ebx= 
set ecx= 
set edx= 
REM Hello, world! example, in CreativeASM 
set rax="Hello, world!"   
REM We need to put that message in the "rax" register and command to output content from rax. 
echo %rax% 

A calculator

@ A calculator program in CreativeASM
lbl main
@ Lines of text to be printed
put rax "Welcome to CreativeCalc, version 1"
int rax 01h
put rax "What to do?"
int rax 01h
put rax "1. Add"
int rax 01h
put rax "2. Subtract"
int rax 01h
put rax "3. Multiply"
int rax 01h
put rax "4. Divide"
int rax 01h
@ Input
int rbx 00h
@ Jumping
beqrbx 1 add
beqrbx 2 subtract
beqrbx 3 multiply
beqrbx 4 divide
@ Label for Add
lbl add
int ra 00h
int rb 00h
add ra rb rc
put rd "The result is:"
int rd 01h
int rc 01h
jmp main
@ Label for Subtract
lbl subtract
int ra 00h
int rb 00h
sub ra rb rc
put rd "The result is:"
int rd 01h
int rc 01h
jmp main
@ Label for Multiply
lbl multiply
int ra 00h
int rb 00h
mul ra rb rc
put rd "The result is:"
int rd 01h
int rc 01h
jmp main
@ Label for Divide
lbl divide
int ra 00h
int rb 00h
div ra rb rc
put rd "The result is:"
int rd 01h
int rc 01h
jmp main

Assembled to Batch

@echo off 
set ra= 
set rb= 
set rc= 
set rd= 
REM Another set 
set rax= 
set rbx= 
set rcx= 
set rdx= 
REM Special ones 
set r= 
set s= 
set t= 
set u= 
REM x86 assembly ones 
set eax= 
set ebx= 
set ecx= 
set edx= 
REM A calculator program in CreativeASM 
REM Lines of text to be printed 
set rax="Welcome to CreativeCalc, version 1" 
echo %rax% 
set rax="What to do?"  
echo %rax% 
set rax="1. Add"   
echo %rax% 
set rax="2. Subtract"   
echo %rax% 
set rax="3. Multiply"   
echo %rax% 
set rax="4. Divide"   
echo %rax% 
REM Input     
set /p rbx=? 
REM Jumping     
if %rbx% EQU 1 goto add 
if %rbx% EQU 2 goto subtract 
if %rbx% EQU 3 goto multiply 
if %rbx% EQU 4 goto divide 
REM Label for Add   
set /p ra=? 
set /p rb=? 
set /a rc=%ra%+%rb% 
set rd="The result is:"  
echo %rd% 
echo %rc% 
pause >nul 
goto main 
REM Label for Subtract   
set /p ra=? 
set /p rb=? 
set /a rc=%ra%-%rb% 
set rd="The result is:"  
echo %rd% 
echo %rc% 
pause >nul 
goto main 
REM Label for Multiply   
set /p ra=? 
set /p rb=? 
set /a rc=%ra%*%rb% 
set rd="The result is:"  
echo %rd% 
echo %rc% 
pause >nul 
goto main 
REM Label for Divide   
set /p ra=? 
set /p rb=? 
set /a rc=%ra%/%rb% 
set rd="The result is:"  
echo %rd% 
echo %rc% 
pause >nul 
goto main 

Cat program

@ A "cat" program, but in CreativeASM
@ Input
int eax 00h
@ Output
int eax 01h

Assembled to Batch

@echo off 
set ra= 
set rb= 
set rc= 
set rd= 
REM Another set 
set rax= 
set rbx= 
set rcx= 
set rdx= 
REM Special ones 
set r= 
set s= 
set t= 
set u= 
REM x86 assembly ones 
set eax= 
set ebx= 
set ecx= 
set edx= 
REM A "cat" program, but in CreativeASM 
REM Input     
set /p eax=? 
REM Output     
echo %eax% 
pause >nul 

XKCD Random Number

@ XKCD Random Number, in CreativeASM!
@ Output
put rax 4
int rax 01h

Assembled to Batch

@echo off 
set ra= 
set rb= 
set rc= 
set rd= 
REM Another set 
set rax= 
set rbx= 
set rcx= 
set rdx= 
REM Special ones 
set r= 
set s= 
set t= 
set u= 
REM x86 assembly ones 
set eax= 
set ebx= 
set ecx= 
set edx= 
REM XKCD Random Number, in CreativeASM! 
REM Output     
set rax=4    
echo %rax% 
pause >nul 

Truth machine

@ A truth machine, in CreativeASM
@ Input
int rax 00h
@ Jumping
beqrax 0 zero
beqrax 1 one
@ Zero
lbl zero
put rax 0
int rax 01h
@ One
lbl one
put rax 1
int rax 01h
jmp one

Assembled to Batch

@echo off 
set ra= 
set rb= 
set rc= 
set rd= 
REM Another set 
set rax= 
set rbx= 
set rcx= 
set rdx= 
REM Special ones 
set r= 
set s= 
set t= 
set u= 
REM x86 assembly ones 
set eax= 
set ebx= 
set ecx= 
set edx= 
REM A truth machine, in CreativeASM 
REM Input     
set /p rax=? 
REM Jumping     
if %rax% EQU 0 goto zero 
if %rax% EQU 1 goto one 
REM Zero     
set rax=0    
echo %rax% 
pause >nul 
REM One     
set rax=1    
echo %rax% 
goto one 

A+B Problem

@ A+B Problem in CreativeASM
@ Input
int rax 00h
int rbx 00h
@ Math
add rax rbx rcx
@ Output
int rcx 01h

Assembled to Batch

@echo off 
set ra= 
set rb= 
set rc= 
set rd= 
REM Another set 
set rax= 
set rbx= 
set rcx= 
set rdx= 
REM Special ones 
set r= 
set s= 
set t= 
set u= 
REM x86 assembly ones 
set eax= 
set ebx= 
set ecx= 
set edx= 
REM A+B Problem in CreativeASM  
REM Input     
set /p rax=? 
set /p rbx=? 
REM Math     
set /a rcx=%rax%+%rbx% 
REM Output     
echo %rcx% 


@ FizzBuzz in CreativeASM
put eax 1
put rb 1
@ "Fizz", "Buzz" and "FizzBuzz" modulos
put rax 3
put rbx 5
put rcx 15
@ Code
lbl fizz
mod eax rax ebx
mod eax rbx ecx
mod eax rcx edx
beqeax 100 sleep
beqedx 0 printfizzbuzz
beqecx 0 printbuzz
beqebx 0 printfizz
jmp printnumber
@ Fizz
lbl printfizz
put ra Fizz
int ra 01h
add eax rb eax
jmp fizz
@ Buzz
lbl printbuzz
put ra Buzz
int ra 01h
add eax rb eax
jmp fizz
@ FizzBuzz
lbl printfizzbuzz
put ra FizzBuzz
int ra 01h
add eax rb eax
jmp fizz
@ Else
lbl printnumber
int eax 01h
add eax rb eax
jmp fizz
@ Pause
lbl sleep

Assembled to Batch

@echo off 
set ra= 
set rb= 
set rc= 
set rd= 
REM Another set 
set rax= 
set rbx= 
set rcx= 
set rdx= 
REM Special ones 
set r= 
set s= 
set t= 
set u= 
REM x86 assembly ones 
set eax= 
set ebx= 
set ecx= 
set edx= 
REM FizzBuzz in CreativeASM   
set eax=1    
set rb=1    
REM "Fizz", "Buzz" and "FizzBuzz" modulos 
set rax=3    
set rbx=5    
set rcx=15    
REM Code     
set /a ebx=%eax%%%%rax% 
set /a ecx=%eax%%%%rbx% 
set /a edx=%eax%%%%rcx% 
if %eax% EQU 100 goto sleep 
if %edx% EQU 0 goto printfizzbuzz 
if %ecx% EQU 0 goto printbuzz 
if %ebx% EQU 0 goto printfizz 
goto printnumber 
REM Fizz     
set ra=Fizz    
echo %ra% 
set /a eax=%eax%+%rb% 
goto fizz 
REM Buzz     
set ra=Buzz    
echo %ra% 
set /a eax=%eax%+%rb% 
goto fizz 
REM FizzBuzz     
set ra=FizzBuzz    
echo %ra% 
set /a eax=%eax%+%rb% 
goto fizz 
REM Else     
echo %eax% 
set /a eax=%eax%+%rb% 
goto fizz 
REM Pause     
pause >nul 