Combining Diacritics

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The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually ͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͖͖̼ͪͪ͋ͪ͋͋͋͋͋͋͋͋͋ͪͪ͋ͪͪ͋͋ͪ͋ͪ͋͋ͪͪ͋͋͋͋͋ͪͪ͋͋̎̐̀́̀̂̌́̀́̎̚.


is an esolang created in 2023. It uses too many diacritics, a bit like a really high Northern Sámi speaker.



  • The whole program is surrounded by a pair of ̎
  • Instructions are separated by ͖
  • The arguments of a function are surrounded by ̀ and ́.
  • Strings are surrounded by ̂ and ̌.


Strings are very simple: all you need to do is convert them to utf-8, convert the resulting hex to ternary, and encode like this:

  • 0 becomes ͋.
  • 1 becomes ͪ.
  • 2 becomes ͓.

For example, "Hello World!" is ͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓͓ͪͪ͋ͪ͋͋͋͋͋͋͋͋͋ͪͪ͋ͪͪ͋͋ͪ͋ͪ͋͋ͪͪ͋͋͋͋͋ͪͪ͋͋ (not including the string delimiters).


All operators are functions, comprised of a name followed by an argument list. Below is a list of functions:

  • The initialization function ̐
  • The end function ̼
  • The print function ̚
  • The function ҈, which takes in a string of X-SAMPA and applies High German Consonant Shift to the entire thing, and also (BONUS FEATURE!) turns all the vowels into random clicks.

An example program

With all you've learned, the following program should make perfect sense:


To learn what it does, just turn your computer upside-down to read the answer key. It's totally not a prank to get disgusting keyboard skank on your face or something.

(actually, it prints "Hello World!")