Color Scheme

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Color scheme is a color and stack based language built up on a grid of many cells. Each cell can be divided into more than one color. Different series of colors mean and effect the program in a different way. For example O-LB(Orange-Light Blue) adds 0 top the top of the stack.


Hello World!

Example of a Hello World! program.

This is and example of a Hello World! program that prints out 'Hello World!'. A link the preview it in the editor is here.

Truth Machine

Example of a Truth Machine.

This is an example of a Truth-machine program that written in color scheme. If you put 0 as the input it will just say '0', if you put 1 as the input it will forever say '1'. A link the preview it in the editor is here.


Example of a cat program.

This is an example of a Cat which outputs the input. A link to preview it in the editor is here.

Fibonacci Sequence

Example of a Fibonacci sequence.

This is an example of a Fibonacci Sequence in color scheme. A link to preview it in the editor is here.


Example of a factorial program.

This is an example of a factorial program written in color scheme. A link the preview it in the editor is here.

Print <3 in the shape of a <3

Example of something that prints '<3' in the shape of a <3

A link to preview it in the editor is here.



Cell Action
Next line.

Input & Output

Input & Output
Cell Action
Output top stack item as a number. (Removes top stack item)
Output top stack item as a character. (Removes top stack item) (\n:0, SPACE:1, a-z:2-27, A-Z:28-53)
Output top stack item following ASCII value. (Removes top stack item)
Clear the output.
Ask for input then add it to the top of the stack.

Stack Manipulation

Stack Manipulation
Cell Action
Increment top stack item.
Decrement top stack item.
Reset to default stack.
Clear the stack.
Reverse the stack.

... More information on site.