Color Scheme
Color scheme is a color and stack based language built up on a grid of many cells. Each cell can be divided into more than one color. Different series of colors mean and effect the program in a different way. For example O-LB(Orange-Light Blue) adds 0 top the top of the stack.
Hello World!
This is and example of a Hello World! program that prints out 'Hello World!'. A link the preview it in the editor is here.
Truth Machine
This is an example of a Truth-machine program that written in color scheme. If you put 0 as the input it will just say '0', if you put 1 as the input it will forever say '1'. A link the preview it in the editor is here.
This is an example of a Cat which outputs the input. A link to preview it in the editor is here.
Fibonacci Sequence
This is an example of a Fibonacci Sequence in color scheme. A link to preview it in the editor is here.
This is an example of a factorial program written in color scheme. A link the preview it in the editor is here.
Print <3 in the shape of a <3
A link to preview it in the editor is here.
Cell | Action |
Stop. | |
Next line. | |
Continue. |
Input & Output
Cell | Action |
Output top stack item as a number. (Removes top stack item) | |
Output top stack item as a character. (Removes top stack item) (\n:0, SPACE:1, a-z:2-27, A-Z:28-53) | |
Output top stack item following ASCII value. (Removes top stack item) | |
Clear the output. | |
Ask for input then add it to the top of the stack. |
Stack Manipulation
Cell | Action |
or | Increment top stack item. |
or | Decrement top stack item. |
Reset to default stack. | |
Clear the stack. | |
Reverse the stack. |
... More information on site.