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Paradigm(s) imperative
Designed by User:Glax
Appeared in 2024
Memory system Cell-based
Dimensions one-dimensional
Computational class Turing complete
Reference implementation
File extension(s) .yip, .yap

COBOLD (also known as YipYap) is a programming language for Kobolds (who are known to make Yip and Yap noises).


A COBOLD program must start with yip yap followed by whitespace-separated commands.

Comments are prefixed with owo and they continue until the following newline.

Execution and Memory model

COBOLD memory model consists of three values:

Name Initial Value Description
Hold Register 1 An 8-bit unsigned integer value, used by most command as operand
Memory Tape [0] A one dimensional array of 8 bit unsigned integers, that can grow as needed (new cells will be initialized with 0)
Memory Pointer 0 A pointer to a cell in the Memory Tape, it can be increased or decreased

Decreasing the memory pointer below 0 will result in an error.

There is an opaque call stack used to call / return from functions that cannot be modified directly.


For simplicity the pseudocode column will contain a C-like code referencing the Hold Register as hold, Memory Tape as memory, Memory Pointer as ptr.

Command Pseudocode Description
yip ptr++ Increase tape pointer, adding new empty cells as needed
yap ptr-- Decrease tape pointer
yip? if (!hold) goto next yap! Jump after the next yip! if hold is zero
yap? hold = min(*ptr, hold) Set hold to the current tape cell if it's less than hold
yip! hold -= *ptr Subtract the current tape cell from hold
yap! goto prev yip? Jump to the previous yip?
Yip print(chr(hold)) Output hold as character
Yap hold += *stack Add stack value to hold
Yip! print(hold) Output hold as a number
Yap! return Returns from a function to its invocation. If there is no function being called, terminates the program.
Yip? void func() {} Defines a function (or label) whose name is the next token
Yap? func() Invoke the function represented by the next token, pushing the position of the next command into the call stack
yipyip hold = *ptr Assign the current tape cell to hold
yipyap swap(hold, *ptr) Swap hold and current tape cell value. This is the only command that can modify the contents of the memory tape.
yapyip hold++ Increase hold value by 1
yapyap hold-- Decrease hold value by 1


Functions are defined by Yip? followed by any valid token.

You can call a function by using Yap? followed by the corresponding function token. Doing so will push the current program location into the call stack.

Yap! will pop the call stack and resume execution from the invocation point.


Hello World

yip yap owo Program header

yapyip owo increases hold by 1, setting it to 2 (it's initialized with 1) yipyap owo swaps hold and tape cell Yap Yap owo adds the tape cell onto hold twice, obtaining 4 yipyap owo swaps again, now the cell has 4 and hold has 2 Yap Yap Yap owo adds the cell onto hold 3 times, gettting 14 yipyap owo swaps, now cell has 14 and hold has 4 Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap owo adds the cell onto hold 5 times, getting 74 yapyap yapyap owo decreases hold twice, getting 72 (ASCII 'H') Yip owo prints 'H'

Yap Yap yapyip owo adds 14 twice and increases by one to get 'e' Yip owo prints 'e' yipyap yipyip owo stores 'e' onto the tape (swap and load)

yip yipyap yip owo copies 'e' onto the next cell and moves yapyip yapyip yipyap owo stores 2 onto the next cell Yap Yap Yap yapyip yap Yap owo gets 'l' into hold Yip Yip owo prints 'l' twice yip yip yip yipyap yipyip owo moves two cells right, stores 'l' and moves back

yap yap Yap yapyip Yip owo gets 'o' onto the tape and prints it

yipyap yip yipyap yipyip Yap owo stores 4 onto the tape yipyap yipyip Yap yipyap yipyip Yap yipyap yipyip Yap owo adds 4 multiple times to get 32 on hold (space) and 16 on tape Yip owo prints the space

yap yap yipyap owo swaps 'e' with 32 from the tape yip yip yip! owo subtracts 10 from 'e' to get 'U' yapyip yapyip owo decreases twice to get 'W' Yip owo prints 'W'

yap yipyap Yip owo get 'o' from the tape and prints it yapyip yapyip yapyip Yip owo decreases 3 times to get 'r' and prints it

yip yip yipyap Yip owo gets 'l' from the tape and prints it

yap yap yap yap yipyap yapyap owo gets 'e' from the tape, decreases it to get 'd'

Yip owo prints 'd'

Duplicate String

The following example duplicates a NUL-terminated string, and defines some useful string-manipulating functions. Note that the tape would need to be initialized with something for this to work.

yip yap

  owo strlen yip Yap? yap? owo write length yip yipyap yipyip   owo while length is != 0 yip?   owo move to the next letter   yap Yap? yip!   owo move cell to the end   yipyip Yap? yip yipyap yip Yap? yip   owo find the length   Yap? yap yip   owo decrement length   yipyip yapyap yipyap yapyap yap!   Yap!   owo Swap adjacent cells owo Pre [a<, b] hold=c owo Post: [b<, a] hold=c Yip? yipyap   owo perform 3 swaps   yipyap yip yipyap yap yipyap   Yap!   owo Strlen owo Pre [S<, t, r, i, n, g, 00] owo Post[S, t, r, i, n, g, 00<] hold=strlen Yip? yap?   owo Clear hold   yipyip yip!     owo Load first cell   yipyap   owo while not 0   yip?   owo put it back   yipyap   owo increase size   yapyip   owo move and load next cell   yip yipyap   yap!   owo swap back   yipyap     Yap!   owo Print nul-terminated string owo Pre [S<, t, r, i, n, g, 00] owo Post[S, t, r, i, n, g, 00<] hold=0, printed String Yip? Yip   yipyip   yip? Yip yip yipyip yap!   Yap!   owo Go to previous 00, preserving hold owo Pre [00, ..., xx<] hold=a owo Post [00<, ..., xx] hold=a Yip? yap   owo load first cell   yipyap   owo while not 0   yip?   owo swap back and move 1 behind   yipyap yap yipyap   yap!   owo final swap   yipyap   Yap!   owo Move hold to next 00 owo Pre [xx<, ..., 00] hold=aa owo Post [xx, ..., aa<] hold=0 Yip? yip   owo load first cell   yipyap   owo while not 0   yip?   owo swap back and move 1 ahead   yipyap yip yipyap   yap!     Yap!   owo Move back "hold" spaces owo Pre [b1, ..., bn<] hold=n owo Post [b1<, ..., bn] hold=0 Yip? yip!   owo while not 0   yip?   owo decrement   yapyap   owo move 1 behind   yap   yap!   Yap!

External Links

  • Glax's site contains a description of the and a web-based interpreter and debugger.
  • Python-based interpreter of the language