brainfuck Powershell interpreter

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The following is a Powershell implementation of brainfuck by User:None1, the first line in the input is the program, and the rest are the input. EOF returns 0.

function getchar(){
    return [System.Console]::Read()
function putchar($x){ # Output a character
while($ip -lt $code.Length){
    if($c -eq "+"){
    if($c -eq "-"){
    if($c -eq ","){
        if($tape[$p] -eq -1){ # Deal with EOF
        if($tape[$p] -eq 13){ # Deal with Windows's CRLF
    if($c -eq "."){
    if($c -eq '>'){
    if($c -eq '<'){
    if($c -eq '['){
        if($tape[$p] -eq 0){
            while($loop -gt 0){
                if($code[$ip] -eq '['){
                if($code[$ip] -eq ']'){
    if($c -eq ']'){
        while($loop -gt 0){
            if($code[$ip] -eq '['){
            if($code[$ip] -eq ']'){