Brainf ck

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The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually Brainf*ck.

Brainf*ck is an esolang invented by User:None1. Its goal is to be an esolang that is named brainf*ck but different from brainfuck. Its programs look like brainfuck programs, but they're not.


It uses a stack, containing wrapping bytes.


Command Meaning
+ Return 1
- Return top of stack and pop
, Read input as ASCII and return
. Print top of stack as ASCII
>[xyz...]< Push and return the sum of x,y,z...
[CODE] While top of stack is nonempty and nonzero, do CODE, return 0


Hello, World!


Cat program


Truth machine


A+B Problem


Only supports adding one-digit numbers, numbers have to be separated by exactly one space:

Input: 1 2
Output: 3

External Resources

See also