An unusable esolang made with an one-line interpreter and a long name

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An unusable esolang made with an one-line interpreter and a long name is an unusable esolang made by User:Mario0Fan

Inspired by 25 bytes o:

here's the interpreter in python ig:

code = input('Enter code:');print(code.replace("An unusable esolang made with an one-line interpreter and a long name", "Unusable"))

It still has a program that lets you print something to the screen, look:

Unusable program

this program just prints Unusable to the screen:

An unusable esolang made with an one-line interpreter and a long name



Hello world program

the interpreter just prints out the code of the program but replaces

An unusable esolang made with an one-line interpreter and a long name



so here's the hello world program:

Hello, world!


Hello, world!


Because of the nature of this programming language, it is very easy to write a Quine.

Hello, world!