6 bytes of useless element
6 bytes of useless element is a esolang by User:Yayimhere, which is inspired by 3 bytes :v)
How It Works
Take the program's code. Remove the first character. Then, show the program with an 'f' appended to the start.
Example Programs
actually any string that starts with f is a quine
Hello, world!
"Is this program running in Brachylog" polyglot program with Brachylog:
A 6BOUE interpreter in Element
A 6BOUE interpreter in brainfuck (assuming wrapping is enabled):
A 6BOUE interpreter in Python, Modified by User:Ractangle
def s(s):print("f" + s[1:]) s("input")
A 6BOUE interpreter in Momema
-9 102f+1=*-9 0*-9-9*0f=+1*0
A 6BOUE interpreter in Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1071220604/
A 6BOUE interpreter in (not so modern version of) Hum:
#`yest input`R!`f`R>>@
Replace the yest input
with the input
MoreMathRPN interpreter
inputS "Enter 6BOUE" hold l "remove length del 0 "remove first character del 0 "place "f" 102 "output the remaining characters repeat $l outputC ]0 del 0 next
S.B.M.F.B interpreter:
f implementation:
REG.TYPE = STR TRUE implementation: