5 Bits, 20 Bytes
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5 Bits, 20 Bytes is an assembly language invented by User:None1 for a 5-bit CPU. It is inspired by 3 Bits, 3 Byte, which is inspired by 2 bits, 1 Byte. User:MihaiEso asked the author to invent the language. This language has all the commands in 3 Bits, 3 Bytes.
It has basic functionalities of normal programming languages, so it is not a joke.
Command (Binary) | Command (Disassembled) | What it does |
00000 | NOP | Do nothing (a NOP) |
00100 | TEM | TErMinate the program |
01000 | OUT | Given a 5-bit value x after it, OUTput the x-th byte. (If x>=20, it does nothing) |
01100 | INP | Given a 5-bit value x after it, INPut the x-th byte. (If x>=20, it does nothing) |
10000 | INC | Given value in memory, INCrease given value (wraps) |
10100 | JMP | JuMP. Jump (unconditionally) to address specified. |
11000 | CJM | Conditional JuMp. Given two addresses, if the value in the first address is nonzero, jump to the second address. |
11100 | NEG | NEGate given address, formally, if its value is x, let it be 7-x. |
00001 | ADD | ADD the two addresses, stores result into second address. |
00101 | SUB | SUBtract the two addresses, stores result into second address. |
01001 | MUL | MULtiply the two addresses, stores result into second address. |
01101 | AND | Bitwise AND the two addresses, stores result into second address. |
10001 | BOR | Bitwise OR the two addresses, stores result into second address. |
10101 | XOR | Bitwise XOR the two addresses, stores result into second address. |
11001 | INV | Bitwise INVert address. |
11101 | PRN | PRiNt the whole memory as characters. |
00010 | OUI | OUtput the given address as Integer. |
00110 | INI | INput the given address as Integer. |
01010 | CPY | CoPY the first address to the second. |
01110 | CJZ | Conditional Jump. Given two addresses, if the value in the first address is Zero, jump to the second address. |
10010 | OUB | OUtput the given address as Binary. |
10110 | INI | INput the given address as Binary. |
11010 | OUO | OUtput the given address as Octal. |
11110 | INO | INput the given address as Octal. |
00011 | OUX | OUtput the given address as HeXadecimal. |
00111 | INX | INput the given address as HeXadecimal. |
01011 | OUH | OUtput the memory as Hex dump. |
01111 | LST | Given 3 address, set the third to 1 if the value of the first is LeSs Than the value of the second, otherwise 0. |
10011 | LSE | Given 3 address, set the third to 1 if the value of the first is LeSs than or Equal to the value of the second, otherwise 0. |
10111 | GTT | Given 3 address, set the third to 1 if the value of the first is GreaTer Than the value of the second, otherwise 0. |
11011 | GTE | Given 3 address, set the third to 1 if the value of the first is GreaTer than or Equal to the value of the second, otherwise 0. |
11111 | CST | Output the memory as a C STyle string, starting from a given address. |
The instruction pointer can wrap around, thus allowing more "complicated" programs.
Example programs
Quine (cheating)
The �
's can be any character in extended or standard ASCII.
PRN TEM ... // Anything
E9 3F ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Hello World
øHello, World!␀����
The ␀
is a null character, the �
's can be any extended or standard ASCII character. The second character has an ASCII value of 0x88.
CST 0b00010 TEM ...
F8 88 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21 00 ?? ?? ?? ??