5D Deadfish with Multiverse Time Travel

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5D Deadfish with Multiverse Time Travel
Designed by Gianluca Rainis
Appeared in 2024
Memory system Cell-based
Dimensions Multi-dimensional
Computational class Unknown
Major implementations GitHub
Influenced by 5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel, 5D 5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel With Multiverse Time Travel, Deadfish, 10D Deadfish 7 with Time Travel and a Multiverse
File extension(s) .5dd

5D Deadfish with Multiverse Time Travel is an esoteric programming language invented by Gianluca Rainis in 2024. It was inspired by the 5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel, the 5D 5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel With Multiverse Time Travel, the Deadfish and the 10D Deadfish 7 with Time Travel and a Multiverse. Imagine an array of arrays. The first array represents the universes, and the second arrays rappresent the timelines. You can have an infinite number of universes, but for each universe you can have just one timeline, that save in chronological order all the changes you make in that universe. You can travel through universes and through time. When you travel towards a non-existent universe or a non-existent timeline, it will be created and initialized to 0. When you travel through time, all changes you make are affected by the value in the previous time.

Language Features

Command Description
i Increment current timeline's current universe's number
I Increment every number
d Decrement current timeline's current universe's number
D Decrement every number
s Square current timeline's current universe's number
S Square every number
r Square root current timeline's current universe's number
R Square root every number
> Go to the next timeline
< Go to the previous timeline
[ Go to the next universe
] Go to the previous universe
0 Reset current timeline's current universe's number to 0
o Output current timeline's current universe's number
O Output every number
u Output current timeline's current universe's ASCII
U Output every ASCII
/ Start the comment
G Output the logic diagramm of the multiverse and the timelines


Print "Hello, world!" in numbers


Print "Hello, world!" in ASCII


Print "Hello world!" in ASCII with different universes


Time travel simple example



Logical scheme of the universes and timelines:
|   3   6   |
|   0   0   |
|   2   5   |
|   81   4   |
|   9   3   |
|   3   2   |
|   2   1   |
|   1   0   |
|   0       |

Logical scheme of the Multiverse (with the relative timelines) (Created with the G command)
The columns are the different universes, and each value is a point in the universe's timeline. The first row have the most recently values.

|   -3   1   3   4   2   5   1   0   1   |
|   -2   0   1   3   1   4   1   0   0   |
|   -1   81  0   2   0   3   0       1   |
|   0   169  3   1   2   2   0       0   |
|   -3   1   3   4   1   5   1       0   |
|   -2   0   1   3   0   4   1           |
|   -1   81  0   2   1   3   0           |
|   0   169  3   1   0   2   0           |
|   -2   0   1   3       4   1           |
|   -1   81  0   2       3   0           |
|   0   169  3   1       2   0           |
|   0   169  3   1       2   0           |
|   0   13   2   0       1   0           |
|   0   13   2   0       1   0           |
|   4   12   1   0       0               |
|   5   11   2   0       0               |
|   4   12   1   0                       |
|   5   11   2   0                       |
|   4   10   1   2                       |
|   4   10   1   2                       |
|   3   9   0   1                       |
|   3   9   0   1                       |
|   2   8       0                       |
|   1   7       0                       |
|   0   6       0                       |
|       5       0                       |
|       4       1                       |
|       4       1                       |
|       3       0                       |
|       2       0                       |
|       1                               |
|       0                               |

External Resources

See the official GitHub page of the 5D Deadfish with Multiverse Time Travel !