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死鱼……吗?(sǐ yú ...... ma?) is designed by PSTF.

It is designed for use SC to express Sakana.


Unlike Deadfish, this Esolang has commands for handling input, and it uses a memory tape(I call the cell "x") and 4 accumulators(a, b, c, and d).

Normal One
ASCII Fish Dragon King Origin Meaning
i 上升 Increase the accumulator. The original limit of up to 255 values is no longer valid.
d 下降 Decrease the accumulator. The value can become negative.
w 重置 Reset a to 0.
S 跳转 Skip next command if x=0.
s 平方 Set a to a².
R 方根 Set a to √a. The value can be float but only has 18-digit precision.
m 飞升 Set a to 2a.
D 堕落 Set a to x/2.
o 输出 Output x as integer.
W 誊写 Output x as character.
l 聆听 Input an integer and store it to x.
r 阅读 Input a character and store it to x.
ASCII Fish Dragon King Origin Meaning
> 向右 Move to next cell.
< 向左 Move to previous cell.
(Unused Characters) (Unused Characters and Bopomofos) 函数 Defines a function.
m 终末 End define.
[] 循环 循环 Loops the code in 循 and 环.
x 破坏 Break outs the loop.
X 残杀 Kills the current process.
@(0){1}{2} 若(条件)【代码1】【代码2】 No origin If-else statement.
= 等于 If a = b then set x to 1, otherwise 0.
L 多于 If a > b then set x to 1, otherwise 0.
G 少于 If a < b then set x to 1, otherwise 0.
!(expr) 非【表达式】 非也 If expr will set x to 1 then set x to 0, and vice versa.
+ 加法 Set c to a+b.
- 减法 Set c to a-b.
* 乘法 Set c to a×b.
/ 除法 Set c to a÷b.
' 交换 Set x to c then reset c to 0.
| 增加 Increases a.
_ 缩减 Decreases a.
( 褒奖 Increases b.
) 贬低 Decreases b.
, 天堂 Increases c.
. 地狱 Decreases c.
; 升华 Increases d.
: 扭曲 Decreases d.
" 设置 If d mod 3 = 0 then x -> a; If d mod 3 = 1 then x -> b; If d mod 3 = 2 then x -> c.
$ 离去 If d mod 3 = 0 then print a; If d mod 3 = 1 then print b; If d mod 3 = 2 then print c. (as Integer)
~ 归来 Get user input. If d mod 3 = 0 then store it to a; If d mod 3 = 1 then store it to b; If d mod 3 = 2 then store it to c. (as Integer)
A 别离 If d mod 3 = 0 then print a; If d mod 3 = 1 then print b; If d mod 3 = 2 then print c. (as Character)
Z 回归 Get user input. If d mod 3 = 0 then store it to a; If d mod 3 = 1 then store it to b; If d mod 3 = 2 then store it to c. (as Character)
B 脑操 Interpret the following command as Brainfuck. 读 and 写 will I/O on x.


XKCD Random Number


Hello, world!


See also