█ but with only plausible commands

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This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.

█ but with only plausible commands is a derivative of but all the commands that can't be reasonably coded simply provides an error


☭    "This program is unable to bomb the world using only Russia"
+    "No language can ever be truly complete"
-    "English only, no spanish"
¡!   Infinite loop
Ꮇ   "Computer programs can not gain omnipresence" 
⨧   2-Arity Addition (basically a fancier way of saying addition, as addition is always 2-arity)
性   Prints the number 69
【】 Prints the string inside
`    fString 
〷   Exponents
ꜳ    "How would I know what code is bad myself?"
◧◨  Brackets (?)
⅀   Guass Sum
⍳     ⍳nterger
␦    "Unknown command"
⏨    Convert 10 to 10
⍴    Input
⍵   Prepend '-' if Operator == '-'
⍥   Input/Read Operator
΅    "The halting problem can not be solved by a simple command, or even any set of commands. Think harder."
█    "A bigot program can not be created by a simple command, or even any set of commands. Think harder."
N    Narcissist (a bigot program may not be able to exist, but a narcissist sure can)
ℚ    Quine
⁋     English:
|| or | (Bitwise|Logical) OR
í     Spanish
¿?    While Loop
𝟘    Ends the program
𝟙     Does nothing
𝟚     Does nothing
𝟛     Does nothing
𝟜     Does nothing
𝟝     Does nothing
¦     "Waiting for a Half Broken Or in Heavy Traffic (HBCHT with Bitwise Operators) interpreter to be made..."
÷     Division
«»     Bit Shift
⁋«»    Bit Shift
ⅈ      Creates an imaginary number variable
╬      Pythonic!!! (????)
⩓     Asserts, and closes the program if not
∈     in, also self-describing
ႈ     Clear the terminal
𝔹     [[99 Bottles Of Beer]] program
<>    Tape Management
ᴟ     Put into tape,
ᴞ     Read from tape
↝    Don't eval
⩶ or ⩵ Equal (Too strict, too lose)
�    Reverse
ℝ     repr
ℂ    ℂontinue +x or break -x
𝔻    Break, then continue
⅟     1/x
🙹    "Unknown command"


^ Interpreter


Hello, World! Program:

【`Hello, World!`】



Cat Program


A+B Problem





⁋`╬for`◧𝟜$i∈⍥◨◧⁋ᴞ█⁋`H`¿【`Hello, World!`】𝔻?⁋ᴞ█⁋`Q`¿【⍥】𝔻? ⁋ᴞ█⁋`9`¿⍳`99`𝔹𝔻?⁋ᴞ█⁋`+`¿ᴟᴞ⨧⍳`1`𝔻?◨
