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- Not to be confused with ■.
Made by Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff (talk) 03:41, 23 September 2024 (UTC)
☭ Bomb the world using Russia + Make it Turing Complete - English || Spanish ¡! Infinite Loop Ꮇ Gain Omincience ⨧ 2-Arity Addition 性 69 【】 Print ` fString 〷 Exponents ꜳ Clean up bad code ◧◨ Brackets ⅀ Guass Sum ⍳ ⍳nterger ␦ Don't ⏨ Convert 10 to 10 ⍴ Input ⍵ Prepend '-' if Operator == '-' ⍥ Input/Read Operator ΅ Solve the Halting Problem █ Bigot Program N Narcissist ℚ Quine ⁋ English: || or | (Bitwise|Logical) OR í Spanish ¿? While Loop 𝟘 And We Will End! 𝟙 You have not Win! 𝟚 Part 2? 𝟛 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 𝟜 You Died 𝟝 JAJAJAJAJA ¦ Half Broken Or in Heavy Traffic (HBCHT with Bitwise Operators) ÷ Division «» Bit Shift ⁋«» Bit Shift ⅈ imaginary noomberre ╬ Pythonic!!! ⩓ assert, and ByeBye if no. ∈ in, also self-describing ႈ clear 𝔹 bottles of beer ont ehw all <> Tape Management ᴟ Put into tape, ᴞ Read from tape ↝ Don't eval ⩶ or ⩵ Equal (Too strict, too lose) � Reverse ℝ repr ℂ ℂontinue +x or break -x 𝔻 Break, then continue ⅟ 1/x 🙹 Undescribable ∫ Random number from (x, y) _ floor funion
^ Interpreter
Hello, World! Program:
【`Hello, World!`】
Cat Program
A+B Problem
⁋`╬for`◧𝟜$i∈⍥◨◧⁋ᴞ█⁋`H`¿【`Hello, World!`】𝔻?⁋ᴞ█⁋`Q`¿【⍥】𝔻? ⁋ᴞ█⁋`9`¿⍳`99`𝔹𝔻?⁋ᴞ█⁋`+`¿ᴟᴞ⨧⍳`1`𝔻?◨
Print Out 1
0 Interpreter
Russian Roulette