Yayimhere-like esolang

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Yayimhere-like esolang is an esolang created by User:Ractangle based on User:Yayimhere's esolangs


This section is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.

Variable declaration:

Variable name » Value of that variable

just stops the program

push A to stack. Lasts untill a newline in code or a goto:⎵A

pop from the stack:

move the element to the other stack:

Same thing as but requires the stack pointer to point at the other stack:

pop the element from the stack and print it and check if the stack is empty. If the stack is empty do an action:


⁇ if top element equal to an element below it do trueaction else do a falseaction ﹝TrueAction﹞ «FalseAction»

creates a label (the label name must be a number in order of declaration from one to the last label declared)

a goto statement. can be used as concatinating commands if the argument is not a number

gets user input and pushes to the stack

m pops the top element on the stack and checks if the top element is 1. If it's 1. pop the two top element in the stack and do multiplication. Else do division instead

o the m command but the operations are plus and minus

moves the stack pointer to the other stack and vise versa:


Hello, world!

⎵Hello, world! ⏎ ⎋ ⚐


⌨ ⏎ ⁇ 0 ﹝⏎1﹞«⏎2»
⚑1 ⎵0 ⏎ ⎋ ⚐
⚑2 ⎵1 ⏎ ⎋ ⏎2

Looping counter

(non unary):

⚑1 ⎵1 ⎵1 o ⏎1

