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VarStack is an esolang by User:ChuckEsoteric08 where all variables are 1-character stacks.
Commands look like this:
Declare label X
, execute command Y
and jump to label Z
. If you are trying to access non-existing label, stack element, or stack itself then program will halt.
@X:Y |
Create new stack called X with initial element(s) Y
$X:Y |
Push X to stack Y .
!X |
Pop element from stack X and discard it
"X |
Output X
'X |
Output stack X
?X |
Ask for input and push it to stack X
#X=Y:Z |
If top of the stack X is equal to Y jump to label Z
!X=Y:Z |
If top of the stack X is not equal to Y jump to label Z
%X=Y:Z |
If top of the stack X is equal top of the stack Y jump to label Z
~X |
Swap top two elements in stack X
&X |
Reverse stack X
^X |
Move top of the stack X to the bottom
Hello, World!
hello;"Hello, World!;halt
start;@X:0;input input;?X;if if;#X=0:print0;print1 print1;"1;print1 print0;"0;halt
Bitwise Cyclic Tag interpreter
You should input program by character. Then input @ and input data. After you inputed data input @ again.
initprogram;@code:0;initprogramfinish initprogramfinish;!code;initdata initdata;@data:0;initdatafinish initdatafinish;!data;inputcode inputcode1;?code;inputcode2 inputcode2;#code=@:inputcode3;inputcode1 inputcode3;!code;inputcode4 inputcode4;&code;inputdata1 inputdata1;?data;inputdata2 inputdata2;#data=@:inputdata3;inputdata1 inputdata3;!data;inputdata4 inputdata4;&data;interpet interpret;#code=0:remove;if1 remove;!data;move if1;#data=1;nextinstruction;move nextinstruction;^code;reverse reverse;&data;enq enq;#code=0:enq0;enq1 enq0;$0:data;endenq enq1;$1:data;endenq endenq;&data;interpret move;^code;interpret