User talk:ZCX islptng

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Thank you for add a Quine in it! --红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。金沙水拍云崖暖,大渡桥横铁索寒。更喜岷山千里雪,三军过后尽开颜。 2024年10月9日(星期三),19:52 农历九月初七 (CHN)

I don't think the quine is correct as it contains escape characters and doesn't unescape them. --None1 (Nope.) 13:54, 9 October 2024 (UTC)

It didn't work for me, either. Superstitionfreeblog (talk) 14:08, 15 October 2024 (UTC)

Your Hello Subleq Program

I couldn't make much sense of your code. In my interpreter, it outputs an 'H' and exits. After reading your code, that's exactly what I'd expect it to do. I explained it better on the Subleq discussion page. Superstitionfreeblog (talk) 14:08, 15 October 2024 (UTC)