User talk:Tommyaweosme/archives/june 22 to july 11

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汝不应大战于此。盖为异语之集成,而非君之寝或为战场。汝不能为复夭沙箱末卷,而为第一异语之集成战争之地。 --PrySigneToFry 若汝有异见,可议论于吾。 二〇二四年七月五日,13:47 甲辰龙年五月三十日未时 (CHN)

i have no idea what your saying and google translate isnt helping very much tommyaweosme BRING BACK THE OLDS SANDBOX (talk) 17:29, 5 July 2024 (UTC)
Place this on Baidu translate. In my translate, it's "You can't spark a war at here. Here is Esolang Wiki, not your bedroom or a battlefield. You shouldn't cause Esolang Wiki War I because bring back the old sandbox.". --PrySigneToFry 若汝有异见,可议论于吾。 二〇二四年七月六日,11:58 甲辰龙年六月初一日午时 (CHN)
I have no idea how you get to change the timezone in your signature. Changing timezone in Preferences only changes for recent changes. --None1 (talk) 04:09, 6 July 2024 (UTC)
For example, if your UTC time is 04:09, plus 8 hour on it(that makes 12:09), and then change UTC to CHN. --PrySigneToFry 若汝有异见,可议论于吾。 二〇二四年七月六日,12:59 甲辰龙年六月初一日午时 (CHN)
google translate gave me this
You should not fight here. It is a collection of foreign languages, not your bedroom or battlefield.'
You cannot be the last volume of Fu Yao Sandbox, but the first collection of foreign languages. 
So I often use Microsoft Translate and Baidu Translate. Google translate is too !@#$%^&*(). --PrySigneToFry 若汝有异见,可议论于吾。 二〇二四年七月七日,12:47 甲辰龙年六月初二日午时 (CHN)

How can you do that in one edit? --None1 (talk) 10:16, 6 July 2024 (UTC)