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This page describes something that random.

This Random Thing

when you it goes because that
() None its a 0 lenth py tuple
()() undef it thinks that you are tring to call the "()"
{()()} "undef" some random features i see which in a random book
{()()}=() (undef=None) set values. since it's a weakly typed lang or sth so apparently "=" also changes its type
()===() True like in JavaScript, this "===" sht returns whether they are equal
+(()===()) 1 positive True. the key word "True" is capitalized, while "false" is not, because idk
+(()==()) (a random integer [0,1]) the behavior of "==" sht is kinda random
*() nil it looks like a empty array
*(()===()) [1] a list, because lists look like arrays
*(()===())+(()===()) [1][1] the first item of the list [1], since to add an integer is like pushing the array forwards

A Quine Befunge

0# <_@#-+2*29:+1,g0:

It's short, but it requires to get to the other side, so I call it "chicken befunge".

This Shitful Lingua👍👍👍

This Shitful Lingua👍👍👍 is a shitful lingua. It stick the commands at head and slowly shits the fellow words and do the commands. And btw it is still a not-strong-typed language.

command or level to do
+ add 1 requires two things, and try to + them and leave the results alone.
- sub 1 requires two things, and try to - them and leave the results alone.
* mul 1 requires two things, and try to * them and leave the results alone.
/ div 1 requires two things, and try to / them and leave the results alone.
% div 1 requires two things, and try to % them and leave the results alone.
? if 2 requires a anything and returns true if it is true, else returns false.
! not 1.14 requires a anything and returns true if it is false, else returns true.
~ is 2 requires two anythings and returns true if they are the same, else returns false.
: then 0 do exec()'s to the required thing, and you can use it with ?(if) to do ordinary if's.
; or 2 requires two things, and or@. it means else when it comes after ?(if)(:(else))'s.
= let 1 set one thing values the second thing. when there's no enough values, it picks up the things that others left alone. It could be [String], [Integer], [Float], [List], [Thistothis], [class].
[ that 1 to edit the members of the required thing. Use this with =(let) to set a class.
] shit 3 to end the edition of [(that), and returns a something.
^ get 0 requires a thing, prints the thing, and set to its value. if it's not a variable, then just leave it alone.
. say 0 print the value of the required thing.
# goto 2 requires a thing, and goto that line. Usually it start with 0, but you can #__lua__ at first line to make it start with 1.
not yet...

Those levels declines whether the command is slowly shitter or instant shitter or after shitter, which helps the program be able to be interpretted successfully.



Or using a variable as a bridge:

=~ a
. a

They can also be written as:

letget a
say a


= a 0
?!%:.;# a 3 "Fizz" 2 ____ if not a%3 then print else goto
?!%:.;# a 5 "Buzz" 3 ____ if not a%5 then print else goto
?!%:. a 15 "FizzBuzz" ____ if not a%3 then print else goto
=+ a a 1


= a "'"
= b '"'
= c "\n" 
= d "\"
= e '.+++++++++++++++++++ "= a " b a b c "= b " a b a c "= c " b d "n" b c "= e " e c e'
.+++++++++++++++++++ "= a " b a b c "= b " a b a c "= c " b d "n" b c "= e " e c e

The = c "\n" is same as =[=] c 10 _to_ "Base16", but this two sentences can only be used at two different Vers. of interpreter.

99 Bottles of Beer in something like Tokipona

 1 toki!      toki pona: this is a standard macro, to import official macros.
 2 toki_wan li pali pi te      toki pona: define a function toki_wan (alike 'f1')
 3   jan_wan li tawa e ni:      toki pona: arguement 'jan_wan' (alike 'a1')
 4     jan_wan en mi te bottleto en te
 5       jan_wan li nanpa wan la lon mi testo anu la a      toki pona: 'a' means 'None' here
 6     to      toki pona: a ' ? : ' thing
 7 to
 9 toki_tu li pali pi te
10   jan_wan li tawa e ni:
11     tetoki_wan e jan_wan to en mi te of beer on the wall. \nto
12 to
14 telo_nasa li nanpa mute mute mute mute luka luka luka tu tu 
15 tenpo ali pi ni:telo_nasa li lon la
16   toki e te toki_tu e telo_nasa to e te toki_wan e telo_nasa to e mi te. \nto
17   telo_nasa li lon la
18     toki e mi teTake one down, pass it around, \nto e te toki_tu e telo_nasa to 
19   anu la 
20     toki e mi teGo to the store, buy some more, \nto e te toki_tu e nanpa mute mute mute mute luka luka luka tu tu to 
21     en la o pakala
22   telo_nasa li telo_nasa en nanpa wan pimeja