This page describes something that random.
This Random Thing
when you | it goes | because that |
() | None | its a 0 lenth py tuple |
()() | undef | it thinks that you are tring to call the "()" |
{()()} | "undef" | some random features i see which in a random book |
{()()}=() | (undef=None) | set values. since it's a weakly typed lang or sth so apparently "=" also changes its type |
()===() | True | like in JavaScript, this "===" sht returns whether they are equal |
+(()===()) | 1 | positive True. the key word "True" is capitalized, while "false" is not, because idk |
+(()==()) | (a random integer [0,1]) | the behavior of "==" sht is kinda random |
*() | nil | it looks like a empty array |
*(()===()) | [1] | a list, because lists look like arrays |
*(()===())+(()===()) | [1][1] | the first item of the list [1], since to add an integer is like pushing the array forwards |
A Quine Befunge
0# <_@#-+2*29:+1,g0:
It's short, but it requires to get to the other side, so I call it "chicken befunge".
This Shitful Lingua👍👍👍
This Shitful Lingua👍👍👍 is a shitful lingua. It stick the commands at head and slowly shits the fellow words and do the commands. And btw it is still a not-strong-typed language.
command | or | level | to do |
+ | add | 1 | requires two things, and try to + them and leave the results alone.
- | sub | 1 | requires two things, and try to - them and leave the results alone.
* | mul | 1 | requires two things, and try to * them and leave the results alone.
/ | div | 1 | requires two things, and try to / them and leave the results alone.
% | div | 1 | requires two things, and try to % them and leave the results alone.
? | if | 2 | requires a anything and returns true if it is true, else returns false .
! | not | 1.14 | requires a anything and returns true if it is false, else returns true .
~ | is | 2 | requires two anythings and returns true if they are the same, else returns false .
: | then | 0 | do exec() 's to the required thing, and you can use it with ?(if) to do ordinary if 's.
; | or | 2 | requires two things, and or@. it means else when it comes after ?(if)(:(else)) 's.
= | let | 1 | set one thing values the second thing. when there's no enough values, it picks up the things that others left alone. It could be [String], [Integer], [Float], [List], [Thistothis], [class]. |
[ | that | 1 | to edit the members of the required thing. Use this with =(let) to set a class.
] | shit | 3 | to end the edition of [(that) , and returns a something.
^ | get | 0 | requires a thing, prints the thing, and set to its value. if it's not a variable, then just leave it alone. |
. | say | 0 | print the value of the required thing. |
# | goto | 2 | requires a thing, and goto that line. Usually it start with 0, but you can #__lua__ at first line to make it start with 1. |
not yet... |
Those levels declines whether the command is slowly shitter or instant shitter or after shitter, which helps the program be able to be interpretted successfully.
Or using a variable as a bridge:
=~ a . a
They can also be written as:
letget a say a
= a 0 ?!%:.;# a 3 "Fizz" 2 ____ if not a%3 then print else goto ?!%:.;# a 5 "Buzz" 3 ____ if not a%5 then print else goto ?!%:. a 15 "FizzBuzz" ____ if not a%3 then print else goto =+ a a 1 #1
= a "'" = b '"' = c "\n" = d "\" = e '.+++++++++++++++++++ "= a " b a b c "= b " a b a c "= c " b d "n" b c "= e " e c e' .+++++++++++++++++++ "= a " b a b c "= b " a b a c "= c " b d "n" b c "= e " e c e
The = c "\n"
is same as =[=] c 10 _to_ "Base16"
, but this two sentences can only be used at two different Vers. of interpreter.
99 Bottles of Beer in something like Tokipona
1 toki! toki pona: this is a standard macro, to import official macros.
2 toki_wan li pali pi te toki pona: define a function toki_wan (alike 'f1')
3 jan_wan li tawa e ni: toki pona: arguement 'jan_wan' (alike 'a1')
4 jan_wan en mi te bottleto en te
5 jan_wan li nanpa wan la lon mi testo anu la a toki pona: 'a' means 'None' here
6 to toki pona: a ' ? : ' thing
7 to
9 toki_tu li pali pi te
10 jan_wan li tawa e ni:
11 tetoki_wan e jan_wan to en mi te of beer on the wall. \nto
12 to
14 telo_nasa li nanpa mute mute mute mute luka luka luka tu tu
15 tenpo ali pi ni:telo_nasa li lon la
16 toki e te toki_tu e telo_nasa to e te toki_wan e telo_nasa to e mi te. \nto
17 telo_nasa li lon la
18 toki e mi teTake one down, pass it around, \nto e te toki_tu e telo_nasa to
19 anu la
20 toki e mi teGo to the store, buy some more, \nto e te toki_tu e nanpa mute mute mute mute luka luka luka tu tu to
21 en la o pakala
22 telo_nasa li telo_nasa en nanpa wan pimeja