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My esolangs:

  1. Beefydie, an esolang based off of the web series Battle for dream island.
  2. META, I don't even know what this is about
  3. MIRROR, an 2D esolang that lacks arrows.
  4. Empty, an esolang that is extremely difficult to implement.
  5. 'Python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file., a language that is not Python.
  6. DO, an esolang based off of recursion.
  7. Txet, a string based esolang.
  8. ->, a string-rewriting esolang for the sole purpose of a unary to decimal converter.
  9. 𝕃𝔸𝕄𝔹𝔻𝔸♯, Lambda Calculus, but with numbers
  10. Rnadom, a tape-based esolang, but where the only way to increment is to generate a random number.
  11. Deadfish with gotos and input, deadfish derivative that is somewhat usable.
  12. , an uncomputable esolang.
  13. +++, a language that is Turing-complete.
  14. 5 (also 15 and 35), an esolang where 5 = 1.
  15. Esofish, a Turing-complete deadfish derivative.
  16. MATH, an esolang where you can make your own operators.
  17. BITE, an esolang where every program is one byte long.
  18. Unique, an esolang where each number is only used once.
  19. Overload, an esolang where you can define your own commands
  20. 9, an esolang made to compile to 90
  21. +!, a 2D esolang that has 2 instructions and is most likely Turing-complete. (not proven yet)
  22. Fear of the Unknown, an esolang where you can never know for sure what a variable's value is.
  23. , a nondeterministic string-rewriting esolang.
  24. PAPER, a joke language with a quine and self-interpreter.
  25. ↓110010000100110110010, a self-modifying language.
  26. Indivisible, an OISC with only one argument.
  27. StackSwap, a stack-based language about function calls
  28. 2025!, a time travel esolang.